Sleepless in Las Vegas

Read Sleepless in Las Vegas for Free Online

Book: Read Sleepless in Las Vegas for Free Online
Authors: Colleen Collins
be parked in a section not visible from here. He’d walk through the lot on his way to his truck, see what was there.
    Fighting a yawn, he rolled up his other sleeve. He felt drained. Time to close the lid on today’s troubles, go home, walk his dog, then get some rest.
    Click click click.
    “Hello, sir?” called out a too-familiar female voice.
    So much for closing that lid.

    V AL SLOWED HER steps as she approached the darkened kiosk. The overhang cast a deep shadow around the building, making it difficult to see what or who was there, but from Dino’s window she had seen Drake stop somewhere around here.
    “Hello, you there?” She squinted into the gloom.
    “If I told you I wasn’t, would you go away?”
    She huffed a breath. “Good thing that bad mood of yours isn’t luggage or it’d be too heavy to carry.”
    “You came out here to tell me that?”
    “No. You forgot your phone.” She thrust out her hand, more than ready to give it up. Whatever pulsations she had felt, or thought she felt, were gone.
    “You want me to come to you?”
    “Mercy, must everything be an issue?” Silence. “Yes, I want you to come to me. ”
    “Why? Afraid I’ll bite?”
    “Yes. But I have to warn you, I bite back.”
    She swiped a bead of sweat off her hairline. This damn wig was too tight, too hot. And these fishnet stockings made her legs itch something fierce. They never bothered her when she’d worn them at her old job, but that was indoors with plenty of air-conditioning, not outside where temps were pushing a hundred. Honestly, she could almost feel the steam rising from the pavement, even at this time of night.
    She debated whether to set the damn phone on the ground and leave, but she didn’t want to fail at this. F’sure, she’d told Marta there were no guarantees to the honey trap, but what if Drake, her fiance, told her about the weird hooker who claimed she felt pulsations through his phone, channeled his father, then stalked him into the parking lot? Hardly the techniques of a seasoned, knowledgeable private eye.
    Marta would demand back every cent of the retainer.
    Val would not let that happen. She had to suck it up, figure out how to salvage this mess. She and Grumpy were here now, alone. Which meant she had one more chance to sweeten the honey trap.
    “You’re right, I’m a girl for sale.” Technically, she sold her investigator services, so that was true. “But I played the wrong man. You’re too smart, too hip to fall for this silly costume and come-on. I apologize.”
    Her vision had adjusted enough to the shadows so that she could see his dark silhouette. He leaned against the building, and from the angle of his head, he was watching her. She remembered that gaze at the bar. The faint lines that fanned from the corners of his eyes, their smoky color. How they shone with intensity, as though he was on the verge of asking a question or in the process of formulating one. But when he angered, their color darkened to a flat, dull shade like gunmetal.
    She wondered what color they were right now.
    “Let’s call a truce, okay? I’ll bring your phone to you, then you can thank me.”
    He didn’t respond. She had probably taken him by surprise with her no-harm-no-foul attitude. Or maybe he was mulling over her ability to actually tell the truth. That man sure spent a lot of time in his head.
    She walked almost to the edge of the shadow and stopped. “I’d walk to you, but it’s not so easy to see in there, and I’d hate to fumble and drop the phone while handing it over. Of course, it might survive bouncing on the ground a few times, and you wouldn’t need to replace it, so—”
    “Stay put.”
    He stepped forward. Hazy moonlight slanted across his face, not enough to clearly see his features, but enough to see the pronounced line of his jaw, the bulk of his shoulders. He reached out with both hands and wrapped them around hers.
    “Do you still feel those pulsations?” he

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