side he'd never seen before.
He'd almost called the entire thing off when he watched moisture gather in her eyes as she protested removing her clothing before them. She was a beautiful, sensual woman. He'd never suspected she was insecure when it came to her body. Her figure was lush and feminine, just the way he liked his women. He loved how her soft thighs had cushioned him 43
Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter
by Nadia Aidan
as he rode her and that her round hips had been supple as he held her above him while she bounced up and down on his cock. She had no reason to be ashamed of her body, and yet he'd seen it on her face, and in that moment he'd cursed himself for putting that look of fear in her eyes. She was vulnerable and that knowledge both surprised and pleased him. Dumb as he was, he'd placed Camille on a pedestal of sorts. In his eyes, she was the haughty and conceited Douglas girl. For so long that's what she'd been to him that he'd allowed himself to forget that she was a woman, who had her insecurities just like any other woman. It was easy to hate her when she was just his enemy's daughter, but to see her as Camille the woman, made it harder to hold onto his anger towards her.
She mumbled softly and snuggled deeper into his embrace, and he stroked his fingers up and down the bare skin of her shoulder, holding her close. He ached to roll her beneath him and ride her lush body again, but he did his best to tamp down his growing arousal. She'd had a long day. This was a huge adjustment for her and he knew she needed to rest. Besides, he didn't quite trust himself at the moment with his lack of control.
As part of the contract, they'd all verified their sexual health with their medical records and agreed to use protection at all times. Although Camille was on birth control, they'd just felt it was simply in all of their best interests to use condoms as well. He'd insisted on that point and then agreed to it, but when he'd settled between her warm thighs all thoughts of that one stipulation had flown from his head. 44
Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter
by Nadia Aidan
He hadn't forgotten to use protection with a woman since his early days in college. He dragged in a deep breath. How the hell did you forget to use a condom, you jackass? It just didn't make sense to him, given his pragmatic diligence when it came to these things. And yet, he didn't even think about using one until the moment he felt himself exploding deep within her, but by then it had been too late. His lack of control and complete loss of willpower almost shocked him more than what he'd actually done.
She suddenly shifted against him to toss her leg over his. He stiffened when her thigh brushed against his hardening length, causing his erection to poke out against the white sheet. In that moment he knew he should have done what any gentleman would do. Drag himself out of her bed, and run to the nearest cold shower. But he was no gentleman, and yet at the same time he would like to think he wasn't a complete jerk either.
So while he suffered most of the night in a painfully aroused state, he kept his small promise to himself and did not make love to her again that night.
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Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter
by Nadia Aidan
Chapter Three
Jacob sat on the couch in the family sitting room with the television channel tuned to ESPN. The screen might as well have been blank, and the sound on mute, for all the attention he paid the programme.
Jason was visiting with Camille at the moment, and while the thought of his brother making love to her still left him unsettled, the sight of them upstairs laughing together was even more disturbing.
Driven by some compulsion to see her for a third time that day, he'd entered her apartment and had been shocked to see her and Jason sitting at her kitchen table playing Scrabble. Scrabble? He should have been happy he hadn't walked in on them making love, but he wasn't happy at