Skin Deep

Read Skin Deep for Free Online

Book: Read Skin Deep for Free Online
Authors: J.M. Stone
Tags: Humor, Erótica, Romance, Adult
Looks delicious, though. Want to
try mine?” he asked.
    I looked over at his plate, eyeballing his
chicken marsala with appreciation. I decided I’d better not go
there. “No, thanks. But I’ve had that here before, and its kick
    The waiter came and switched out our basket
of garlic bread for a warm one, but neither of us reached for them.
I, for one, didn’t want to ruin my chances of a good night kiss
with garlic breath.
    We didn’t talk much while we finished eating.
The waiter came back to clear the table and ask if we wanted
dessert. Without waiting for Luke to reply, I jumped in and ordered
my favorite black tie mousse cake, which is absolutely like an
orgasm for your taste buds. We’re talking, rich, moist dark
chocolate cake, creamy, smooth chocolate mousse and vanilla
custard, and then decadent chocolate swirl icing with mini
chocolate chips. Gah! I’m drooling…
    Luke raised a brow at me before smiling and
shaking his head. Hmm. No dessert for him? Too bad.
    While we waited for the waiter to bring my
cake, Luke asked me, “So you and Allie are best friends?”
    “Yeah,” I replied. We’ve been friends ever
since she shared her bubble gum with me on the playground in third
grade. I don’t even remember exactly what happened, but my piece of
gum fell out of my mouth into the grass. Allie saw it happen, came
over, bit her piece of gum in half and gave it to me. Gross, yes,
because she had already been chewing hers, but hey. We were young.
Been inseparable ever since.” I shrugged.
    Luke smiled. “You’re right, that’s gross. But
    The waiter arrived with my dessert then and I
wasted no time grabbing my fork and digging in. Scooping up a hefty
bite, I wrapped my lips around it, unable to stop the
uncontrollable moan of ecstasy from escaping my throat as I chewed
    I completely forgot about everything but my
cake as I continued to scoop bite after bite, savoring each and
every mouthful, closing my eyes and moaning, groaning, or humming
with every morsel. I got down to my last bite, pausing to lick the
chocolate off my fork, when I opened my eyes to find Luke staring
at me, his eyes half-closed, nostrils flared, white knuckled hands
gripping the edge of the able, and his lips set in a grim line.
    Uh oh.
    I blinked and asked sheepishly, “Want some?”
(Again hoping that he’d say no)
    Luke didn’t say a word, just barely shook his
head from side to side, giving me the all clear to finish it myself
(Yay!). Still holding his gaze, I briefly wondered if I’d
embarrassed myself, or even Luke, eating like starving pig, but
couldn’t stop myself from scooping the last bite up to my lips and
then scraping the plate clean of any traces of chocolate
    Before I’d even set my fork down, Luke
grabbed his wallet, threw some bills down on the table, stood up
and said, “We’re done. Let’s go.”
    We left the restaurant and headed to Luke’s
car. He didn’t touch me once, and we didn’t speak as we got in, he
started the car, and pulled out into the street. He wouldn’t even
look my way as we sat in silence. My cheeks were flaming in
mortification as I thought about how much of an ass I had made of
myself at dinner. I shouldn’t have ordered dessert, and I for damn
sure shouldn’t have ignored him while I made love to a piece of
cake sitting in a restaurant. Even though it was still relatively
early, only nine o’clock, I assumed that he was taking me directly
home. I wasn’t wrong.
    Swallowing my disappointment in myself and
battling tears of embarrassment, I turned to Luke to thank him for
the evening as we pulled up in front of my house. Before I could
open my mouth, he got out, came around and opened my door. He
walked me up to the door, lightly clasping my fingers in his. I
guess manners still win out over disgust.
    I turned to tell him good night, leaning back
against my front door, and found him watching me closely.
    “Ummm…well…thanks for a nice evening,

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