Sizzle (St. Martin Family Saga): Emergency Responders
showcasing it Price Is Right style. “Aunt Sally’s original Creole pralines.”
    Clay looked at Jack and tapped the heel of his hand into the steering wheel. “You could search the world over, but you’d never find a better sister.”
    Jack lifted his hands. “Nobody’s going to argue that.”
    “And”—the rustling of plastic came from the back seat—“I didn’t forget you, Jack.” A praline found its way into Jack’s lap. “I got you the ones laced with Tabasco.”
    Clay’s brow shot up as Jack rotated toward Clara.
    “A little sweet with a little heat—these are the best.”
    “Remember the last time I brought these, Jack?” Her hand squeezed his upper arm. “It was summer time. You and the boys were at the estate, and I happened upon all of you skinny dipping in the lake.” She patted Jack’s arm. “You too, Jack. What was that about?”
    “We’d been hunting, and it was hot as a two-dollar whore at shore leave.”
    “All I know is that after I saw three of my brothers emerge bare naked from the lake, I wanted to poke at my eyes with hot needles.”
    Jack cocked his head at her. “That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?”
    “Trust me, it’s not dramatic enough.”
    “It’s not like you haven’t done it.” Jack spoke around a mouthful of praline.
    Clara’s jaw dropped as she gasped, “That’s not true.”
    Clay laughed. “It’s true, Clara. You were about… How old would you say, Jack?”
    “Hmm, let’s see… I’m twenty-eight now, so I guess Clara would have been about ten.”
    Clay cocked his head. “Lake gets a lot of action.”
    Jack turned and winked at Clara. “Luckily we’re not related; wouldn’t want to have to burn my eyes out.”
    Clara swatted at his shoulder.
    They made good time considering the roads were packed. When they got into Baton Rouge, Clay was considering ways to get Clara united with the rest of the family in Whiskey Cove.
    “I’ve got to see about some things, so I’ll take Clara into Whiskey,” Jack offered.
    Clay nodded. He wouldn’t ask the question burning in his brain. He just wouldn’t go there. He thought about the math. They’d celebrated Clara’s birthday this past summer. She’d graduated from high school a year early, at seventeen. She’d been eighteen for a few months only, so that would mean they’d been together while she was underage. No, he wouldn’t ask because if there were something going on between them, he’d have to kill Jack, and he didn’t relish the thought of doing that to a dear friend. Clay shook his head. It was a ridiculous notion. They were all friends, so why wouldn’t Jack worry about her? If the situation were reversed, he’d have done the same for Jack’s sister.
    Still, he glared at Jack for good measure before turning to kiss his baby sister on the cheek and hug her. “Call me when you get there. Love you.”
    He gripped Jack’s shoulder and squeezed harder than usual, pulling him aside. “Make sure your intentions with my sister remain friendly. And get your ass back here asap. Department’s going to need you.”
    Jack’s eyes got slightly smaller before they leveled out. “I’ll be here.”


    T he following two days were a blur. They’d made preparations and evacuated the town. Finally a lull hit and they were all blowing off steam around the department poker table.
    “I call and raise you a bag of sour cream and onion chips.” Clay reached forward and dropped the chips on the middle of the table. “Jack, you’re up.”
    Jack emerged from the bathroom adjusting his fly. He stroked his chin. “I call.” He looked around for his stash. “Where’s the honey bun I had here?”
    Clay rustled an empty plastic wrapper between his fingers.
    Jack pointed. “Is that it?”
    “I think you mean was , and yes, it was.”
    “Fuck it, I fold. I’m bored as a slug anyway.”
    Clay stood and threw down his cards. “I’m out too.”
    Ace let out an exasperated sigh and

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