Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse (Book 2): Siren Songs

Read Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse (Book 2): Siren Songs for Free Online

Book: Read Sirens of the Zombie Apocalypse (Book 2): Siren Songs for Free Online
Authors: E.E. Isherwood
Tags: Zombies
that phrase again. Liam had heard people say things had
“been getting bad” for a while before the plague exploded
onto the scene, but he couldn't for the life of him remember anything
that would have tipped him off to something as big as the collapse of
the world. Was he too self-absorbed to notice? He read about it many
times in his zombie books.
    “When you don't have a family around you'd be surprised what
seems important to do at three in the morning.”
    Grandma gave a slushy “mmmm hmmm” hum in agreement.
She probably had some free time herself over the years. It had been
decades since Grandpa Al passed on.
    “So I used my time to organize my bullets, count my cans of
beans, and watch videos on the internet about how to survive after a
societal breakdown. The number of websites on survival is, or rather
was, nearly infinite. I admit though I never really tested much of
their advice. It never seemed urgent to try to tan a hide or pluck
feathers from a chicken—so I'm afraid I didn't train up on
much, beyond what I already knew.”
    Phil went on to explain he had put his duffel bags of guns in
places he could easily grab them, so if he ever needed them in a
hurry he would be able to be in and out. He never dreamed this was
how it would end up.
    Being a police officer had many perks, but the most relevant to
today was being plugged into the firearms community. He not only got
all the free training and range time he could ever want, but he also
tapped into low cost auctions of firearms—often before the
general public knew about them. He explained the various types of
rifles, shotguns, and handguns he had—though Liam wasn't really
    In spite of all the danger, he was so tired his head was rolling
side-to-side with the motion of the car, his eyelids vacillating
between open so Liam could stare, and closed so he could drift off.
    “A couple AR-15s.”
    “A couple hunting rifles with really good scopes.”
    “A pump scattergun and one automatic.”
    “Lots of handguns.”
    “Beaucoup Ammo!”
    “Left a ton of older guns back in my safes.”
    Liam looked at the two ladies and was surprised to see them both
slumped over, asleep. Just that fast. He fought hard against the draw
of sleep; a fight he was losing until the car lurched to a stop—he
was wide awake again. Phil put the car in park and looked back at the
trio, but settled on Liam because he was awake.
    “I've got to get Bill out. I'm going to drag him into the
woods, well off the roadway, and lay him down. We really don't have
time to dig a grave, but I'll try to get back to him if I can.”
    “Do you need any help?” Liam looked around and saw no
other cars or people in the area, so he figured it was safe to get
    “No, I'll be quick. I need a moment alone if you take my
    Liam had seen death more than he cared to admit over the past few
days. Angie. Captain Osborne. Officer Jones. Now Officer Billy. To
say nothing of the thousands upon thousands of people walking around
with a plague that brings the dead back to life.
    Phil walked around to Billy's door, opened it, and pulled his
friend out. He gently dragged the dead man down a slight hill until
he was well into the woods. Liam couldn't see much after that.
    Victoria and Grandma slept on.
    Liam must have drifted off while waiting for Phil to return Soon
they were moving again, heading south. The direction Liam needed to
go to get home. He could hear voices on a near-silent radio up front
with Phil.
    When Phil saw Liam's eyes were opened he started up. “I've
got my police scanner. Sorry if it woke you. You said you lived in
Barnhart, correct?”
    A quick nod in the affirmative.
    “A call came over the scanner that all available Arnold and
county police are to meet at the interstate overpass in Imperial—near
your home—today at 3 p.m. Something big's going down. I think
we need to check it out before we take you home.”
    Liam really just wanted to get home in the

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