Sinful Possession
by scandal,” she said haughtily, whilst not really believing he was capable of doing
as much.
    The chances were she would
return home ruined and have to go back to the country to marry some ancient
earl with the worst moustache she’d ever seen who wasn’t aware of her utter
    “I will protect you,” he
    Lila sighed again. Protect
her from scandal...or the killer...or herself? Because in spite of it all, she
really did want a kiss from Ash Cynfell.

Chapter Five
    The columns of Stourbridge
House peeked through the trees. The carriage started up the long road toward it,
and Lila peered out of the window to gain a better view. Every inch the stately
home, if one didn’t know the things that happened behind those pristine walls, one
would be lead to believe it to be a fine place indeed.
    Ash knew better. He’d been
here before—briefly—with a young lady in need of aid and at the same time had tracked
down a man his brother was looking for.
    But he knew the owner of
this den of vice well enough. Lady Anna Dubois—now simply plain Anna, as she so
insisted—had been in town during his first years there, and they had been
friends until her ruination. He still wasn’t entirely sure of the circumstances,
but after an unexpected inheritance, Anna had left town.
    Stourbridge had become her
livelihood. Specialising in the sinful, the worst and most scandalous of
society could be frequently found there. He had seen Anna on her infrequent
trips to London, and she was a far cry from the vivacious woman he’d known.
    He glanced at Lila, whose
eyes were wide and her lips parted. She didn’t belong in a place like this.
Innocence shone from her every part of her. Even as he’d held her close after
her near escape attempt and felt her chest rise against his, he could only
think how beautiful and radiant she was. How he was being complicit in ruining
that. True, he hadn’t thought any of this through, but he prayed he would be
able to take the blame for what had occurred and she wouldn’t be ruined.
    However, Lila’s safety was
more important than any of their reputations and not only one would expect her
to be here, but Anna had extremely tight security.
    He aided her down from the
carriage once they’d stopped and tried not to recall how close he’d been to...Goddamn,
yes, as much as he hated to admit it, he’d wanted to kiss her. What was wrong
with him? Here he was claiming he’d bring her out of this unscathed while
images of her sprawled naked upon his bed with her lips parted and her eyes
begging him for more plagued him.
    Because her eyes had begged.
Lila—little, innocent Lila—had silently begged for his kiss whether she knew it
or not. But she couldn’t know that he would want more—that he already wanted
more. So much about her appealed to him. Which was ridiculous. They could not
be more opposite. She exuded energy, youth, and happiness. Sometimes, when the
headaches struck, he felt seventy. He’d already proved bad for her. He wouldn’t
make things worse.
    “So this is Stourbridge...”
she breathed, glancing up at the tall columns. “I expected it to be
    “Stay close to me,” he
warned, taking her hand and putting it through his arm. He tried not to think
how proud he would be to have her on his arm on any other occasion.
    “If it is dangerous, why
have you brought me here?”
    “It’s not dangerous. Miss Dubois,
the proprietor, would never let anything happen to you. She is very set on
ensuring all women under her roof are protected.
    “By women you mean—” she
leaned in and dropped her voice “—ladies of the night?”
    “Well, yes.” He led her up
the steps to the front door, but she froze. “Lila?”
    “I cannot go in there. I
shall surely be ruined. You expect me to spend time w-w-with—” She shook her
head. “No, I just cannot. Take me home.”
    She tried to turn, but he
gripped her arm and yanked her close. Lila

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