Silver's Captive

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Book: Read Silver's Captive for Free Online
Authors: Lee-Ann Wallace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult, Erotic Romance
he’d kissed me. Infinitely masculine, he swept his tongue into my mouth and stroked it against mine, sending tingles racing through my body to land with a throb between my legs.
    I moaned into his mouth at what he was making me feel, the pleasure racing through my body. He dragged me up against the hard muscle of his body and kissed me harder, barely giving me time to think, time to breathe, pushing my desire higher and higher, until there was only him and what he was making me feel.
    He dragged his lips from mine and I whimpered in protest.
    “Let me love you, Tarnee.”
    I stared up into his eyes, desire pulsing through me, my insides liquid with the heat he’d built.
    Could I give myself to this man? Could I set everything aside that had happened between us and let him make love to me?
    He’d kidnapped me, taken me away from everything I knew, and was effectively keeping me a prisoner on his ship. On the other hand, there was the connection we seemed to have and the way he made me feel.
    Indecision and confusion coursed through me. I stared up into the swirling silver of his eyes, undecided as to what I should do.
    “You’re thinking too hard, Tarnee.” He pulled me up against him and kissed me again. A slow move of his soft lips against mine and the wet slide of his tongue filled me with his taste. Heat spiralled through me and landed with a throb at my core.
    He was stripping away all my doubts with his kiss, but there was something holding me back. I still felt hesitant to give him what he wanted. I was struggling to get past the fact that he’d kidnapped me, taking away my choice.
    He drew back from the kiss, the gaze of his molten eyes burning into mine.
    “What’s wrong, Tarnee?”
    How could I tell him everything that was in my head? How could I make him understand?
    “You kidnapped me, and I’m your prisoner.”
    “And this disturbs you. I’d do it again if it got me even a moment with you, Tarnee. You are everything I could have wanted, and more.”
    I stared up at him in shock, my lips still tingling from his kiss. “You barely know me.”
    “Your actions speak for you, Tarnee. You helped me when I was hurt and vulnerable, and you haven’t given up on your missing parents. These things tell me the kind of person you are, and I’m proud to call you mine.”
    He claimed that I was his and the connection we had led me to believe he was right. Was I over-thinking things? Making the decision harder than it should be?
    However, if I went through with this, I’d be giving him something I could never get back. Was he the man I would let take my virginity? No other man had made me feel the way he made me feel. He sent desire spiralling through me, heating me up until I throbbed for him.
    Looking up into the intense burn of his molten silver eyes, I decided I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. I wanted him, and there was no crime against me experiencing what he was offering.
    He delved a hand into my hair and drew me forward for another deep kiss, sending my desire pulsing through me.
    “Say yes, Tarnee. Let me love you.”
    Another soft slide of lips and tongue had me grasping at his shoulders. His soft kisses washed away the last of my resistance. I was going to let this happen and worry about consequences later. I’d worry about the future later.
    I nodded up at him, giving him what he wanted.
    He reached for me, grasping the small buttons on the front of my blouse. With slow methodical movements and gentle strokes of his hands against the parts of me he exposed, I was soon standing before him naked, my long hair cascading down my back and my clothes in a pile at our feet.
    I looked into his eyes shyly. No man had ever seen me so exposed. No man had ever touched me the way he’d touched me, stroking his long, warm fingers along my bare skin. He’d been naked all along, and I’d snuck glances at him as he’d undressed me. He had the physique of a human man, muscular arms and

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