Silver's Captive

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Book: Read Silver's Captive for Free Online
Authors: Lee-Ann Wallace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult, Erotic Romance
the lounge area. It was the most extraordinary thing I’d ever seen. It seemed to be a small statue of a shifter caught between shifts. Parts of the body were smooth silver, other parts of the body fully realised flesh. The details were incredible—individual strands of hair, tiny little fingers and toes. All crafted in a heavy silver metal that reminded me of the man in the tub a few feet away.
    The statue brought my thoughts back around to the man resting in that tub. Moving towards him, I stopped beside the oval vessel, my legs pressed against the metal sides. I stared down at the man inside, my thoughts focusing on one thing. I wanted to know what he felt like.
    Before I could stop myself or second-guess what I was about to do, I sat down on the edge of the tub and slipped my fingers into that swirling, silver liquid.

Chapter Six
    Warmth closed over my fingers. It was just like what I imagined a bath would feel like while immersed in water. The swirling stopped as I trailed my fingers through the warm silver fluid made of the man who had kidnapped me.
    Slowly, so slowly, the silver crept up my hand, the warmth surrounding me up over my wrist and under the cuff of my uniform blouse. I straightened up, unsure what Tor’Arr was doing as the silver liquid continued to creep up my arm, surrounding me in warmth.
    I started to become a little alarmed when my whole arm wound up covered in him, the warmth of him continuing to surround me, slipping over my shoulder, down my back and chest, over my breasts, slipping beneath my clothes and underwear to hug against my skin.
    I slowly stood as he continued to cover me, a living, warm blanket wrapped around me, cupping me in intimate places, moulding to my body, learning my dips and hollows. There was nothing of him left in the tub. He completely surrounded me from ankle to neck, down my arms, the heavy warmth of him caressing me.
    As slowly as he had crept across my body, he slowly started to recede, forming on the floor at my feet until a silver man was standing right in front of me. Shaped like a human, he had a smooth rounded head and defined brow ridges over deep-set eyes and a strong straight nose. He looked like the human he had been when he had kidnapped me from the station, but all in silver with no hair. He had no eyebrows, no body hair, just smooth silver from head to toe.
    “Who would you like me to be, Tarnee? I can take any form you like.”
    His deep voice sent shivers down my spine. It was much deeper than when he was human.
    “I don’t understand,” I replied.
    The beautiful silver of his body started to change and become the pale colour of his human form, dark hair covering his head.
    “This? Or maybe you’d prefer this.” He started to change again, his skin lightening more, ridges forming on his brow, the skin of his lips turning a pale shade of purple. “Or maybe this.”
    His features started to mould and change into a form I’d never seen before, his skin darkening to a beautiful warm shade of red. His hair receded and two little horns emerged on the sides of his forehead. Something wrapped around my leg and, gasping at the sudden shock I looked down to see a tail curled around my lower leg.
    “Or maybe this.” His body started to change again, taking on the form he’d been in when he’d returned hurt. Mottled green skin that looked almost scaled covered him. Larger plates covered his chest, smaller plates on his arms and legs. His head changed shape, with almost no forehead, and those strange slitted eyes stared down at me.
    “You,” I whispered, “Just be you.”
    His gaze burned into mine before he changed back into that beautiful silver form, smooth as the liquid he could become. He reached for me and pulled me forward, lowering his head, his lips brushing mine, before he took my mouth in a searing kiss.
    I expected him to taste different in this form, metallic like his colour, but he tasted the same as he had the last time

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