Shocking Pink

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Book: Read Shocking Pink for Free Online
Authors: Erica Spindler
Tags: Fiction, Psychological, Thrillers
own feelings of fear or despair. She helped with the house and the cooking and her brothers.
    Raven and Julie had pitched in. They’d baked cookies, made beds and run the vacuum for her, they’d run to the grocery whenever Andie needed bread, milk or peanut butter. They were her constants, her anchors. With them she still laughed, with them she shared all her feelings, good and bad.
    For the first time Andie understood the devastation Raven must have experienced when her mother left, for the first time she truly understood Raven’s fierce loyalty to their friendship.
    Raven and Julie truly were her family now.
    “Andie? Andie, are you okay?”
    Andie blinked, realizing Raven was speaking to her. She moved her gaze between her two friends. They were sitting on Raven’s bed, listening to music and eating chips; both were staring at her, their expressions concerned. Andie averted her eyes, shocked at the tears that sprang to them, shocked that after two weeks just thinking of her father could still make her cry.
    She forced herself to meet her friends’ gazes. “Mom and I…yesterday we went downtown to look for new…sheets for her bed. She doesn’t want to…sleep on the old ones.”
    “I can dig that,” Julie said, shuddering. “I wouldn’t want to, either. It’d be too sad.”
    “The thing is,” Andie continued, “we were in the car, at the stoplight by the McDonald’s, and I…we—” Her throat closed over the words, and she cleared it. She clasped her hands together. “He was in the car next to us. With her.”
    The other girls squealed with disbelief. “No way!”
    “They were…she was…right on top of him. You know, kissing him and—”
    Andie bit the words back, unable to go on. She brought her hands to her eyes, wishing she could block out the image of her father and the other woman. “He’s not supposed to be kissing anybody but my mom. It’s not right.”
    “It’s disgusting!” Julie sat up, indignant. “I still can’t believe your dad’s doing this. I just can’t.”
    Andie dropped her hands and looked at her friends. “Mom saw them, too. She got hysterical. That was yesterday, and she hasn’t come out of her room yet. I called Grandma. She came to help us.”
    “It’s that Barbie doll’s fault,” Raven said suddenly, narrowing her eyes. “She stole your dad.”
    “I hate her,” Andie said. “I wish she was dead.”
    Raven moved her gaze between the other two. “She’s a lying, husband-stealing little bitch and she should be punished. We have to come up with a plan.”
    Julie leaned forward. “Punished? Like how?”
    Andie made a sound of frustration. “Get real, Rave. As much as I like to fantasize about frying the little slut in hot oil, the fact is, my dad left my mom. He left me and my brothers. She couldn’t have done it without his cooperation.”
    Raven shook her head. “She stole him. These things don’t just happen, Andie. She set out to get your dad…and she did.”
    Andie thought of the times she, either alone or with her mother and brothers, had stopped by her dad’s office. She pictured Leeza’s short dresses and tight tops, pictured the way she had hovered around her father, as if trying to keep them from seeing him. As if she were his wife and Andie’s mom the interloper. Andie remembered being uncomfortable with the way the other woman had looked up at her dad from under her dark lashes, the way she had every so often touched his arm, so lightly it was like a caress.
    Andie’s blood boiled. Raven was right. Leeza had set out to steal her father. “How do we get her?”
    “We could roll her house?” Julie offered, reaching for a handful of chips from the bag between them on the bed. “Or egg it?”
    “Worse,” Raven said.
    “Like what?”
    Raven smiled. “We could hit her over the head and bury her in the backyard.”
    Julie nearly choked on her chips, and Andie slapped her on the back while rolling her eyes at Raven. “Very

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