Shifting Targets

Read Shifting Targets for Free Online

Book: Read Shifting Targets for Free Online
Authors: Austina Love
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, shapeshifter
leave her masterpiece of destruction, but wisely chose not
to linger in the glory of it all. Before returning to Trip, she
stopped behind the last grove of trees and called upon Nagi once again.
    “Wow,” she muttered as the intense heat made
her a bit queasy. Once in her human form she felt the true impact
of her actions. Using extra caution, she made her way to Trip.
“That was awesome!” she said in a breathless whisper. “Did you see
    He let out a light, openly amused laugh. “I
think all of South Dakota saw it. Get on, babe.”
    She slung the launcher over her shoulder,
tucked her shotgun into the holder he’d mounted to his bike and
slid on behind him. “Ready…let’s get the hell out of here.”
    He drove slowly at first, carefully keeping
the powerful engine quieter than the noisy chaos not far away. Then
as they pulled away he went full throttle and kicked it into gear.
They raced with the wind and headed north. She swore they almost
left the ground as he flew down the long highway. Riding behind him
was invigorating, bringing to mind her flight as an eagle. She
couldn’t compare the two experiences. Taking flight as a majestic
bird had been indescribable. But sailing on the road while wrapped
around a gorgeous hunk of man offered a similar yet invigorating
thrill all its own.
    If I had to choose…I’d choose the man, even
if he is more dangerous.
    “You were absolutely amazing!” Trip swept her
off his parked bike and into his arms swinging her around in
circles while hugging her. “And without a doubt the craziest woman
I’ve ever met!”
    She laughed victoriously and kissed his
    “How’d you get Carter to leave?” He gazed at
her with shimmering eyes.
    “Oh…he’s probably on his way back by now.”
She laughed again. “He received an invitation from the Sherriff to
witness the interrogation of a popular fugitive. I sent him on a
fool’s run.”
    “You’re so bad…I love it. Won’t that give
Carter an alibi?”
    “Not today,” she replied with a wink. “It’s
Monday. Sherriff Roone goes fishing every Monday afternoon with his
deputy. He’s way out in the middle of nowhere. They close the
office and don’t return till the next day. But Carter wouldn’t know
that because he’s a transplant.”
    “Not from these parts. He only came here to
escape his long list of dirty deeds, which Gage conveniently took
care of. I still don’t know how those two got hooked up.”
    “So what now, my brilliant little vixen?”
    “He has no bank and I have a feeling when he
drives his fancy vehicle back to town he’ll be greeted by the
    Trip’s eye shone with open pride. “And he’ll
probably be forced into bankruptcy just to pay his fines let alone
cover his bail.”
    “Yep. I doubt he’d fare very well in prison.
He’ll sell everything he owns to try and keep his ass out.”
    “It’s gonna take one sharp lawyer to pull
that off. The man has just added a list of federal charges to his
name. With no evidence against us, his accusations will be
    “What about Pike’s testimony?” she asked.
    Trip let out a sardonic laugh. “Draven won’t
even acknowledge he knows Carter now. Hell, nobody will. That’s one
witness that will never come forward.” He took her hand and led her
up the path to Remle’s cabin. “C’mon, let’s tell him how it
    Remle looked up with a broad grin when they
walked in the door. “You guys have to see this.” He aimed his
remote at the TV.
    She sat on the edge of the couch beside Trip.
He wrapped an arm around her waist as they watched the newsflash on
the huge plasma screen. Dozens of reporters had gathered around the
bank, swarming throughout town square like locusts.
    “This is Kit Katrane with IBC News live at a
very disturbing scene in Mossburg, South Dakota. Shocked witnesses
came forth in droves to talk about the explosion that occurred
approximately two hours ago here in this

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