She Sins at Midnight

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Book: Read She Sins at Midnight for Free Online
Authors: Whitney Dineen
Tags: Humor, Romance, Contemporary
He’s not sure if it’s her outrageous laugh, the clever gleam in her large violet eyes, or her deliciously lush bosom. Then of course, he seduces her, marries her and she’s in the family way by the end of the book.
    “Yes, I’m traveling to Chicago. Thanks for asking.”
    Lila started to get a little worried that she might never find a real romance like the ones she read and wrote about. She was nearly thirty-three years old and she knew that every year that passed was one year farther away from her prime man catching age, which she estimated to have been twenty-six. Not only that, but the chances of getting pregnant with “the heir” were getting slimmer as the years waned. And while thirty-three may be the new sixteen, her reproductive system didn’t know that.
    “My mom died several months ago and I’m finally going to go through her things and put her house on the market. It’s been very difficult. You are so thoughtful to be so concerned.”
    When the flight attendant announced pre-boarding for first class, Lila shifted in her seat and began to gather all of her traveling paraphernalia. That’s when she noticed that someone was sitting next to her and he smelled divine. She laughed to herself as she realized that thoughts of romance were definitely on her mind. She didn’t normally think in phrases like “he smells divine.” Then she looked up and BAM! As Emeril Lagasse would say, he looked divine too! In fact, he looked just like Julius Hunkster in She Sins at Midnight . Lila felt a little dizzy as she stared up into his forest green eyes. She felt her knees weaken when he opened his sensuous mouth and sarcastically drawled, “It’s been lovely talking to you. You’re quite a conversationalist.”
    Lila stood rooted to her spot as he stalked away. What was that all about? This was the reason she began reading romance novels. No real man could ever live up to the dashing heroes in her books. When they looked as good as he did there was always some bizarre personality disorder to contend with.
    As Lila buckled herself into her first class recliner, she realized she hadn’t seen her parents in ten months. She diligently tried to get home twice a year and they came to visit her every spring but they had to cancel their trip this year. Her brother Jim and his wife were buying a new house in Atlanta and had begged Bitsy and Will to help them make their final decision. Then Lila missed her June visit because Josh couldn’t spare her. Hence, she was really, really, looking forward to going home where everything was nice and normal and never changing. She desperately needed a break from the crazy world of Hollywood and all the kooks in it.
    Lila watched as the rest of the passengers boarded and noticed that the Julius look-a-like was sitting just a couple rows in front of her. Once again she lamented that gorgeous specimens like him were always flawed. Yet, even if he was perfect, she realized he was probably dating three perfectly silicone enhanced playboy playmates ala Hugh Heffner. She just didn’t know why men like that were never interested in nice normal girls like her.
    As she was contemplating that very thought, she saw a woman who she assumed was Miss August, sit down next to the hunk and throw herself into his arms. Lila fought the urge to scream at the injustice of it all and cracked the binding on her book. Who needed real men anyway when she had Julius?
    Vivian Ashwood adored her parents and her siblings. She was fully aware that she had a privileged and wonderful life. There was just one significant problem. She had just celebrated her twenty-sixth birthday and she was still unwed. It’s not that she hadn’t had any offers; it’s just that she wanted to marry for love, not fortune. And she didn’t have feelings for any of the prospective grooms who presented themselves. Happily her parents supported her dream as they were a love match themselves.
    Ladies and gentlemen of the ton seldom

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