Sharp Edges
March had used her and then murdered her in cold blood. Officially, Katy had died at the hands of an unknown carjacker, but Cyrus had never believed that story. He was certain that March had killed her because she had known too much about his plans to disappear with the Hades cup.
    "It's so unfair that you and Katy had so little time together," Meredith said.
    "Don't think about the past, Meredith. There's no profit in it. You've put your own personal life on hold long enough. Tell Fred you'll marry him and put him out of his misery. He's a good man."
    "Maybe I'll do that."
    "Hey, Mom, Uncle Cyrus, guess what?" Rick came to a halt in front of them. His eyes flashed with excitement as he glanced at his distinguished-looking father. "Dad says he's going to buy me a car at the end of summer so that I can have it when I go to college in the fall. I won't have to take your old Honda, Mom."
    Meredith raised her brows. "It's not that old."
    Jake avoided Cyrus's eyes as he clapped Rick on the shoulder. "The kid will need his own transportation at college. I'll check back in August to make the final arrangements."
    "Fine," Meredith said. "I'm sure Rick will have picked out the car he wants by then."
    Rick laughed. "You can say that again."
    "It's settled, then." Jake glanced at his wristwatch. "Hell, look at the time. I'd better be on my way. My flight back to L.A. leaves at three."
    Disappointment doused the excitement and pleasure that had been in Rick's eyes a second earlier. "You're leaving already, Dad?"
    "Got to run." Jake gave a what-can-you-do shake of his head. "I have a meeting with some people in Newport Beach this evening. You know how it is."
    "Yeah." Cool acceptance replaced the disappointment in Rick's expression. "I know how it is. Glad you could make graduation."
    "Wouldn't have missed it. Not every day my only son gets out of high school. Take care of yourself. Good luck with the summer job. I'll give you a call when I get a chance."
    A short silence descended on the three people left standing beside the Jeep as Jake turned and walked off toward his rental car.
    "Got plans for tonight?" Cyrus asked finally.
    "What?" Rick swung back around to face him. "Oh, yeah. Alan and Doug and some of the others are coming to the house this evening. Mom said we could have a party."
    Meredith winced. "I'm going to dinner with Fred. I don't think I could take a house full of kids celebrating graduation. Want to join us, Cyrus?"
    "I'll take a rain check," he said. "I'm going out of town for a while. I've got some business to take care of tonight before I leave."
    "Where are you going?" Rick asked.
    "Frog Cove Island."
    "Never heard of it."
    "It's in Puget Sound. One of those little islands off the coast. A lot of artists live there."
    Rick nodded. "How long will you be gone?"
    "I'm not sure. A couple of weeks, maybe."
    Meredith smiled. "Are you finally going to take a vacation, or is this a job?"
    "It's a job."
    "Sorry to hear that." Meredith gave him a speaking glance. "You could do with a vacation, Cyrus. I can't even recall your last one."
    "I've been a little busy for the past three years."
    Her mouth twisted in rueful acknowledgment. "I know."
    "See you when you get back?" Rick asked in a seemingly offhand manner.
    "Sure," Cyrus said. "We'll go fishing."
    "Okay, then." The last of the coolness vanished from Rick's eyes. "Guess I'd better get out of this stupid hat and gown."
    "I expect to find the house in one piece when I return tonight," Meredith said.
    "Don't worry." Rick started to turn away.
    "Don't forget our deal," Cyrus said softly.
    Rick grinned. "Not a chance." The long folds of his gown flapped around him as he whirled and started off toward his friends.
    Meredith glanced at Cyrus. "What deal?"
    "No booze and no getting into a car with anyone who's been drinking."
    "I don't know what I would have done without you, Cyrus." Meredith stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "You know, one of these

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