Shadow Guardians - Genesis

Read Shadow Guardians - Genesis for Free Online

Book: Read Shadow Guardians - Genesis for Free Online
Authors: Albert Long
risk on getting caught-up in a trap. That would be the real travesty. If this is a trap and we get caught by the Soulcatchers, then we won’t be around in the future to help all the countless other children who need us. I agree with Mimi. This doesn’t feel right,” Jericho finished. Miguel stormed out of the apartment and went outside. “Miguel, come back,” Matt yelled. Matt started to go after Miguel, but Jericho put his hand on Matt’s shoulder and pulled him back. “Let him go,” Mimi said. “He just needs some time to blow off some steam and think. Eventually, he’ll come around.” “I hope so,” Matt said. The three of them gathered at the only window in the room, facing the street, and watched Miguel below. He was shooting electricity into the air and pacing furiously.
    The sound of Fozzley’s voice awakened Mimi. “You three must have really needed a re-charge. Death force must have been drained by that run-in with the Soulcatchers,” Fozzley said. Mimi looked around from the couch where she was laying. Jericho and Matt were on the floor, curled up asleep. “Where’s the bull-headed one,” Fozzley asked. “Miguel,” Mimi replied. “Miguel didn’t come back last night,” she said with shock in her voice, as she arose and hovered above Jericho and Matt. “Get up you two,” she said. “We have to look for Miguel”. Matt yawned, arose, dusted himself off, and nudged Jericho. “No school today, Mama,” he said. “Not your Mother, man,” Matt said. “Get up. Your death forces should be fully charged by now.” Jericho opened one eye and looked at Matt and Mimi. “We have to find, Miguel,” Matt said. “He’s out there somewhere alone,” Mimi added. “He shouldn’t be so pig-headed,” Jericho replied. “He’s one of us, and if any of us falls, we all fall together,” Mimi said. “Now, let’s go”. Fozzley didn’t say anything. He had gone to the kitchen and come back with three glasses of pineapple juice. The children each took a glass and gulped the energy-giving juice down. “Let’s go,” Matt said, opening the door to the apartment. Jericho stepped outside first, and Matt followed. “I caught that comment about us battling the Soulcatchers, Mr. Fozzley,” Mimi said, when they were alone. “I see,” Fozzley said. “We never mentioned that to you. How could you know,” she asked. “Best to run along with your friends and save Miguel,” Fozzley said. “We can talk about me some other time,” he said. Mimi stared at him for a moment, then touched his arm. She felt a sense of goodness in Fozzley’s spirit, but couldn’t penetrate into his thoughts or feelings. “I’ve been around ghosts for a long time,” Fozzley said. “Anything you learn about me will be because I tell you about it, not because you try to use your powers on me,” he said. “You be sure to come back here and get me, if you need some help getting your friend back,” Fozzley said. Mimi hugged him and then walked outside to join the others.
    Miguel darted through the city, chasing the car being driven by Gung, Yokim, and Rick. He had been on their tail for the past hour. He listened to them joke and talk about sports and about women and, of course, about the stitchery and the need for new workers to make clothes. They bragged about the money they had made and shared stories of past dealings with the child workers who made them rich. Miguel was focused and enraged. The men were going to meet Reddick. He had phoned Rick to say that he had found six more children to work at the stitchery and had them at the quarters where the other three had been taken. Miguel intended to free the children from their shackles and then free Rick, Reddick, Yokim, and Gung from their lives.
    “If I were a hot-tempered, egotistical, stubborn, one-man-wrecking crew with power beyond belief and a vengeful spirit, where would I go,” Jericho asked rhetorically. “Can you sense anything,

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