Shades of Moonlight

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Book: Read Shades of Moonlight for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Julian
Tags: Erótica
were an old pro. Race wasn’t surprised. Sometimes he didn’t think there wasn’t anything Cole couldn’t handle. “Sounds like you had a busy day.”
    Arin gurgled and smiled and made all the noises Race was used to hearing the baby make. Which made him look to Mara. Today was the first time she’d heard the sound of her son’s voice. The wonderstruck look on her face made him bound and determined to make sure no one ever took another thing from her.
    “Race.” Cole’s voice held a note of amusement. “Anything else you can tell me?”
    He shook his head, not in answer but to clear his thoughts. Then he forced himself to think. But Mara beat him to an answer. She tapped her hands together to get Cole’s attention then began to sign until Cole made an apologetic face.
    “I’m sorry, Mara. My signing just isn’t good enough.”
    In the next second, Dorian held out a whiteboard and marker with an eraser attached by a string.
    Race shook his head. Was there nothing Dorian didn’t think of?
    He made a mental note to ask her where she’d gotten that then read what Mara had written.
    There were squirrels at his window the other day. Five of them staring at him. I thought it was strange but I lived in the city all my life. Maybe country squirrels are different.
    Cole nodded, still smiling at Arin as the baby put his chubby little hands on Cole’s cheeks and patted them, smiling the whole time. “Actually, the squirrels around here aren’t too keen on getting close to us. The whole predator-prey thing tends to keep them scarce.”
    Great. So that meant another episode with Arin as a damn Doctor Doolittle…
    Or not a doctor at all.
    Cole met his gaze. Obviously the king had already come to the same conclusion.
    Mara touched his arm and he grabbed her hand before she could move away.
    She signed “What?” with one hand.
    Vaffanculo , he did not want to have this conversation here and now. But the look in Cole’s eyes meant he was going to be overruled on this one. He looked back at Mara, the slightest hint of fear starting to creep into those wide eyes. Would he ever see her without that fear?
    His jaw locked. He shot Cole another look, one that warned him to be careful. One that should have put his back up. The king gave him a wry grin.
    “Mara, what do you know about Arin’s father?”
    Cole should’ve just taken a knife and stuck it in Race’s stomach. Mara looked sucker-punched and the blood drained from her face.
    No one, not even Grace, had brought up Arin’s father since she’d been here. When Arin had been born without the intact cowl marking him Malandante , everyone had breathed a sigh of relief.
    Mara’s baby would not be drawn to the dark side of magic. But beyond that, no one had thought to ask if there was anything else they should know about his biological father.
    Race reacted without thought. He turned her toward the couch and guided her down onto the cushions. He sat beside her, not about to move while they had this conversation.
    To his surprise, she didn’t move away from him. And when she laced her fingers through his, he clasped her hand tight and felt her return the squeeze.
    Cole watched everything with a sharp eye but his expression showed nothing.
    She only held on for a few seconds then released him to write again.
    What do you want to know? As far as I know, he was Mal . Nothing more. And not very strong. But then everything he told me may be a lie.
    “Did you notice anything different about him?”
    She sighed.
    Yes. He treated me well.
    If Race ever came face-to-face with the bastard who made her look like this just by thinking about him, he was going to tear him apart with his teeth. Slowly.
    Dorian appeared to be thinking the very same thing. The praetorian ’s scowl promised retribution.
    Cole walked to the chair opposite the couch and sat with Arin on his lap, alternately clapping his hands and grabbing at Cole’s hands, which the king

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