Sexual Shift

Read Sexual Shift for Free Online

Book: Read Sexual Shift for Free Online
Authors: Beverly Rae
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
do. He grumbled a curse, then waved his hand in front of her. She jerked as though he’d physically stuck her, then hurried away. Not that she wouldn’t come back. They always came back.
    He closed his eyes and recalled Hilly’s expression as she’d clung to him. Once again he felt the yearning clawing at him, urging him to take her. The instant he’d seen her, he’d sensed a special connection. A connection that reminded him of the one he’d had with Mira, but was much stronger.
    Damn, but what a sexy woman she was! Her eyes held the promise of sensual escapades while the black hair cascading down her back made his palms itch to catch the obsidian waterfall. And the way her body felt against his? The brief glimpses into heaven his father had shown him hadn’t thrilled him as much.
    Tanner lifted his drink and let the liquor slide down his throat. Was it because she was a shape-shifter? No, she was so much more. But how much more?
    What would his father make of her? He glanced toward the ceiling then away, careful not to draw unwanted attention. His father would like Hilly because her heart was good. How many other women would give their lives to raise their sisters? In his estimation, and no doubt in his father’s, Hilly Tristan was as close to an angel as any mortal could come.
    Tanner’s attention drifted to the floor. What his mother would think of Hilly unsettled him. He forced himself to look at the front door, although the compulsion to glance down toward the floor again was almost unbearable.
    He could easily picture his mother scrutinizing Hilly’s womanly body, her smile, her eyes. She’d hate Hilly, especially once she looked into Hilly’s soul. He chuckled, imagining the howl his mother would let loose.
    His mirth died as quickly as it had come. His mother’s howl would soon be replaced by Hilly’s screams if his mother thought he was interested in more than just a night of sex.
    But what was he planning to do with Hilly? Tanner lifted his glass to take another sip, then set it down and stared into the clear liquid. His cock twitched in anticipation. Once through with her, could he discard her as he had all the others? He frowned and took a bigger drink. To discard a woman like Hilly would take a lot of resolve. Did he have enough strength? Enough willpower?
    She was here.
    Tanner’s heart leapt as he lifted his gaze toward the front of the restaurant. His demon senses came alive, picking up Hilly’s scent a full minute before she stepped through the front door and greeted the hostess.
    Dressed in a slinky red dress showing off her assets to perfection, Hilly smiled at the younger woman, then looked toward the seating area to his left. Her hair flowed from side to side as she moved her head, scanning the restaurant. Instead of raising his hand to beckon to her, he continued to watch her, unwilling to end his chance to study her without her knowing.
    Yes, his father would love her. Her kind spirit shone through in the way she held herself, the way she gave a special smile to everyone she greeted. His heart grew larger simply watching her.
    The other side of him, however, the side his mother had nourished, longed for nothing more than to throw her to the floor and make her his, to make her cry at his leaving. He frowned, unable to rid himself of the awful thought.
    I should leave.
    Hilly could hear the small voice in her head shouting at her to turn on her heel and run. Another voice commanded her to stay. The voice she yearned to listen to, the voice of her desire, spoke to her, sending a thousand butterflies fluttering inside her stomach.
    Smoothing the material of the tight dress her sisters had convinced her to wear, Hilly fingered the hem and wondered, for the zillionth time, if the dress was too short. Several men shot her admiring glances while the women with them pelted her with warning scowls. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm under their scrutiny.
    Why had she come?

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