Serial Separation
him, he put his hand on my shoulder. “Scott, I’ll make it a point to talk
with Paddy about your helping, but I have no control over what Paddy does.”
    I smiled. “Mike, coming from you,
it will be my best chance. I hope I can do something for you in the future.”
    He looked at his watch. “How about
a beer sometime this week?”
    “That’s a deal. Do you want me to
call you?”
    Mike never answered. Paul, another
detective on the task force, entered the conference room, obviously excited.
    “Mike, we just got a report—” He
stopped when he looked over at me. “Hi, Scott. How have you been?”
    “I’m doing okay, and you?”
    “Fine, thanks.”
    I looked at both of them. “I’m
sorry; I’ll leave.” I started to get up.
    Mike held out his hand. “What is it,
    “Mike, we received a report that
two college students were reported missing. A Cathy Palmer and her boyfriend,
Bob Sullivan, were last seen Friday night in the Back Bay.”
    I was standing, ready to leave, but
Bob Sullivan’s name was familiar. I pulled the folded hockey league article and
checked the names and looked at the picture to verify he was indeed there.
    “Excuse me, Mike.”
    They both looked over. “What is it,
Scott?” Mike asked.
    Pointing to the article I
announced, “Bob Sullivan was part of this hockey league.”
    Mike took the article and looked at
it. “Scott ,thanks.” He winked at me. “I need to make Paddy aware of this new
development. I will also follow up on our conversation. I’ll give you a call,
but I have to get going. Thanks for stopping by.”
    Mike, smiling, shook my hand, and I
knew he would indeed follow up with Paddy. Regardless, I knew without a doubt
there were now three dead men, and, unfortunately, I knew all of them.

Chapter 10
    Scott was saying good-bye to
Colleen as he headed to Paddy’s office. Mike wondered what Paddy would say
about the missing couple but thought more about the three men connected to
Scott’s hockey league.
    He knew Paddy would have heard him
running up the stairs. Paddy was in another one of his argyle sweaters, but
this one looked very festive, primarily red and green. “Paddy, I need to bother
you. Paul just informed me two college kids were reported missing and last seen
Friday night.”
    Paddy waved him to have a seat. “Do
you think it’s related?”
    “I’m afraid so. Scott Tucker was
just here talking with me, and when he heard the guy’s name, he recognized it.
Bob Sullivan, the missing guy, played hockey in the same league as the other
two murdered men. Did you know Scott played in that same league? He’s concerned
about men he knew turning up dead. Paddy, I think it would be a good idea if
you could find a way of bringing Scott on board.”
    He studied Paddy for a reaction.
    “Paddy, Scott was really a big help
on the last task force. If he wasn’t involved he might not have saved Lisa from
being killed.” He knew Paddy also knew that, but he felt he needed to restate
that. “Scott and I worked well together. I would enjoy working with him again.”
    “Mike, I know you and Scott have
become close friends. Right now, my concern is the relationship to that hockey
    “Paddy, Scott could be an asset in
that regard. He knew all of these guys. There has to be some connection to that
hockey league. The first two guys played hockey at Northeastern, but Sullivan
goes to Boston College.”
    He continued. “Paul said he is
trying to reach Bob’s parents in Winchester. The missing person’s report indicated
Bob lived at home and commuted to school. We have to be careful because he’s
only missing, and we don’t want his family to be unduly alarmed.”
    Heavy pounding on the steps
interrupted them. Paul Brosque knocked on the door. “Excuse me. I heard from Robert
Sullivan’s folks. He was indeed due home at least by Sunday night. He had a
date Friday night with Cathy Palmer, who attends Northeastern. They were
reluctant to report him

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