he had no idea where the Gray was going on this vast spaceship or how he was going to make it over to Samda’s ship.
    He regretted asking too many questions. It seemed to piss all the aliens off and now it had just jeopardized any chance he had to get back home with the Gray.
    Over the speakers, Number Three said, “The fire’s contained but we lost all the samples.”
    The captain called out, “I put the girl into stasis. I want that Gray found immediately before he does any more damage.”
    Chris saw a tiny dot, like a mote of dust, on the monitor. It was slowly heading towards Samda’s spaceship. He tried to warn the others but he had no idea how to speak over the loudspeakers. He’d never felt so useless in his life.

    The captain returned to the command station and Chris told him what had happened, but by then it was too late. Samda’s ship had vanished five minutes earlier with the Gray on board.
    The captain tried to home in on it , but he couldn’t pinpoint it.
    He called out to his crew members, “Get to your stations. The Gray boarded the alien girl’s ship and escaped already.”
    Over the speakers the first m ate said, “We need the Gray. He was one of the smartest, most advanced life forms on this ship. We can’t do this without him now that his cell samples have been destroyed.”
    “No shit. That’s why we have to find him. Get your asses up here now.”
    The captain brushed Chris aside like he was a fly or a piece of trash in his way. That was alright though. Chris was getting used to it.
    Number Three and Number Four rushed in first and started to fiddle with their controls. The first mate followed them in a minute later and said, “The sample bay needs to be replenished as soon as we get this situation under control.”
    The captain said, “It’ll take too long to recollect the samples. Forget about it and get on with finding that Gray.”
    The first mate shrugged his robotic shoulders and sighed. “If he’s far enough away and turns off his systems, we’ll never find him.”
    “Do as I said and look for him.”
    For the first time, Chris wondered if everyone inside one of the four robots was even a male. It made just as much sense for some or all of them to be female. The robotic voices were only slightly different, and that was probably just for his benefit and the benefit of all the other captives. Then again, maybe his captors were androgynous or something equally exotic and difficult for him to wrap his mind around. Shit, they could be aquatic, sexless worms for all he knew.
    The captain barked another order which put an end to Chris’ musings. “Put up the defenses. If he got a signal out already, the Grays could send an armada after us.”
    “Then we should jump away from here,” Number Three offered.
    “No way. If he’s still here, we’re not leaving without him.”
    Chris wanted to ask why they didn’t just go and find a different Gray on the Gray’s home planet, but he thought the captain might smack him for asking too many questions.

The Gray Fleet
    A distress call came through that the Gray Admiral Chaybo never expected. He had seven Gray-controlled ships at his disposal and now he finally had some info to go on.
    One of his men had escaped from the enemy collector ship, and thankfully he was smart enough to have gathered some intel before he disembarked. He claimed he knew most, if not all, of their arrival coordinates. If he was right, then the days of chasing their tails were behind them.
    Th e escapee was already plugging the coordinates into one of the Admiral’s rear ships. It would be linked to the rest when the info was verified.
    They had faced the enemy only twice before , but they’d lost those battles because the meetings had been chance encounters, brought on by luck and good fortune rather than careful planning and strategy. In short, they hadn’t been prepared.
    This was a hundred thousand ye ars in the making. Admiral Chaybo would

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