SEIZED Part 1: New Adult Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)
leave the room for a moment and scribble a note to Lieutenant Jacobs, telling her to send a car over to the scene of April’s kidnap before she does anything else. They’re all in morning briefing now, but I tell the desk officer to make sure it’s a priority.

    O fficer Anderson comes back looking pleased, and something inside me pings as he smiles and sits down. I have a feeling I know him from somewhere but I can’t put my finger on it.
    He leans in closer and starts talking about the next steps of the case. I look into his eyes as it comes to me.
    “Oh my God. You lived in Cedar Rapids, didn’t you?”
    He flinches, and I’m taken aback, thinking I must be wrong. Then, he nods.
    “Yeah, the family moved there for a few years when I was in high school. Is that where you grew up?”
    “Yes. We totally went to school together!” It’s fascinating to see what time does to change people, but I immediately regret my enthusiasm when it’s not returned. “Don’t you remember me? I was Carrie Bonner back then, but a few years ago I ditched my stepdad’s name when he and Mom broke up.”
    He shakes his head, looking astounded. “No, not Carrie . Is that really you?”
    Then he does that big open-mouthed laugh and I’m reminded of everything we once shared. He leans forward and pushes a lock of my hair away from my forehead.
    “I can’t believe how different you look!”
    It’s like his whole face changes, and I feel that same familiar pull in my stomach. He is glad to see me. The relief I feel annoys me a bit, but I push it away. I used to have a wicked crush on this guy, and from the way he looks now, I have to hand it to myself. My teenage self had pretty damn good taste.
    Blake arrived at Cedar Rapids High in the middle of tenth grade, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He just showed up and walked into the classroom like he owned it. He was smart, too. I noticed that right off the bat. I was the teachers’ pet back then, and more than fierce about prospective competition. After I realized he wasn’t planning on using those brains for good, I started to really notice him.
    Honestly, at first I thought he couldn’t help it, the amount of times he was sent out for being argumentative in history or philosophy. But then I got to know more. The guy had a desire to get noticed, and a major problem with authority. Becoming a cop was the last career I would have expected him to have. It’s crazy that he’s here. Shit! It’s crazier that he’s the one taking my statement about April.
    Jeez, I was so obsessed with the guy. I remember looking at the back of his neck in math class, and desperately wanting to reach forward and touch it. His hair was so blond and soft, and his body looked so delicious under those stupid ripped shirts he wore. Blake was totally moody back then; sporting a sour face most of the time, then laughing and friendly on the occasional precious day. There were two different people inside him. I couldn’t get enough of the happy Blake; he had this way of making me feel like I was the only person in the room. But on his bad days, I felt like he wasn’t into me at all. It was a painful time. I never had the guts to actually ask him out, all I did was think about him constantly. He never made a real move, but I know he felt me looking. We were nothing more than friends, and that killed me.
    How crazy to be sitting across from him ten years later. We are eye to eye for the first time since we nearly kissed, and now Blake’s looking at me differently than he did back then. Again, I feel a warm rush that I don’t agree with. He had his chance but never took it. I called him twice before we left on vacation that year, but he didn’t call back. That was his choice, not mine. There’s a flush on his neck now, and I wonder if it’s guilt or embarrassment. The guy disappeared from my life at a time I needed someone to protect me the most. I can see by the way he holds

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