with tokens for the quarter slot machine.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Aunt Cappy. I just gave James ten grand and he won at least another ten, and now he’s about to lose it all because of my conniving new wife.”
“Are you talking about Cat?” she asked. “Because you don’t sound as if you like her much. She’s a nice girl. I don’t know why you two don’t get along. You should try harder, Zeb, after all she is your wife.”
“Not for long, she’s isn’t. Besides, in a few hours I’ll be on a plane back to Michigan and will never have to look at her again.”
“What do you mean? You’re not taking her with you?”
“Why should I?” asked Zeb. “The annulment can all be done quickly and we probably won’t even have to go to court. It shouldn’t take more than a few weeks tops. Then I’ll be a free bachelor again and believe me, I’m looking forward to it.”
“You’re leaving Vegas in a few hours?” asked Cappy. “So am I. I decided to come back to Sweet Water to be near all my nephews.”
“That’s nice,” said Zeb, not really listening to his aunt. He made his way towa rd the blackjack table with Cappy right behind him.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“To play blackjack,” he answered with a smile. There was no way in hell he was going to let James lose all his money to a woman who was obviously about to hustle him. And the only way to stop this from happening was to catch the little feline in the act.
Chapter 4
It didn’t take long before Cat was able to start winning back the money from James by dealing him bad hands. Everyone was crowded around watching, and the only two players playing against the house were James and Zeb. She wished to hell Zeb hadn’t come to her table because it only made her twice as nervous.
He was a lawyer and used to dealing with people who were lying and cheati ng. He probably topped the list of shady dealings with the things he’d done. But he was observant. More observant than most people, and though she was good with the slight of hand, she wasn’t sure how easy it was going to be to fool him.
She took it slow at first, letting each of them win a few rounds to make them feel as i f they had a chance. But with Denny screaming obscenities in her ear every two seconds telling her to hurry it up, it became very distracting. So she pretended to be fixing her hair and she pulled out the hidden earpiece and quickly dropped it down her cleavage. Thank goodness it was a remote device and she had no wires or boxes attached, or it would be harder to hide.
“What did you just drop do wn your dress?” asked Zeb, and she tried to keep any emotion off her face. She blinked and pursed her lips a little.
“Please sir, I know you’ve been starin g at my cleavage all evening, but try to keep your mind on the game.”
“Zeb, stop staring at her cleavage,” said James. “You’re disgusting.”
“No, I swear I saw her drop something down her dress,” he protested.
Zeb watched Cat shuffle the cards quickly, knowing she was cheating somehow, because the house was winning way too often. He was sure she was going to win back all James’s jackpot somehow or another, though his fool brother couldn’t see it coming.
Two cards were dealt to each of them with only one of Cat’s cards face up – a ten. Zeb looked at his hand, having a sixteen and knew it was going to virtually be impossible to beat the house.
“I surrender,” he said, giving up half his bet rather than going bust with another card.
“I want to double-down,” said James, and Zeb wasn’t even looking at his brother’s cards because he noticed something about Cat. There were times during the game where she blinked a lot. Twice as much as she normally did in her usual flirting.
Cat won another round and Zeb purposely surrendered the next three rounds in order to have more time to study Cat’s actions.
Then James won two rounds in a row.
“Yes,” he heard his brother