Seducing the Wolf

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Book: Read Seducing the Wolf for Free Online
Authors: Maureen Smith
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Romantic Erotica
laughed, ducking as Mason tossed a chicken wing bone at his head and challenged, “Yo, we can go outside and run this forty anytime you’re ready, Smokey.”
    “ Oooh! ” the others roared laughingly as Magnum scowled.
    The rivalry between Magnum and Mason was a long running joke in the family. Four years apart, the two brothers had played football when they were growing up. Both had been dominant players on their respective teams, often competing to see who could score the most points or rack up the best stats during every game. Ultimately it was Mason who’d possessed the passion and drive to pursue a professional football career, while Magnum followed his heart and became a firefighter like their father.
    Although Magnum was in top shape, no one would lay odds on him beating Mason in a forty-yard dash. Not even Magnum was cocky enough to believe he could outrun the NFL’s fastest wide receiver.
    “Hmm. I just thought of something.”
    Everyone turned to look at Maddox, whose square jaw was darkened by several days’ worth of stubble that had accumulated during his latest deadline-fueled writing marathon.
    “What’d you just think of?” Manning prompted.
    “I don’t believe I’ve ever killed off any firefighters in my books,” Maddox mused.
    Magnum stared at him, dark eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”
    A slow, diabolical grin swept over Maddox’s face. When he made a slashing motion across his throat, everyone laughed.
    Settling more comfortably in his chair, Manning tugged at the knot of his silk tie and surveyed the empty platters on the table. “Gee, thanks for saving me some appetizers,” he said sarcastically.
    His brothers snickered.
    “That’s what happens when you’re late to dinner,” Magnum reminded him.
    “But don’t worry,” Montana drawled. “Our food should be here shortly, and we ordered your usual.”
    “Cool,” Manning said, though he could have gone for something different tonight. Seeing Taylor had rejuvenated him, awakened his senses like nothing ever had before. He felt like a new man.
    “We were waiting for you to get here before we started discussing the plans for Mom and Dad’s anniversary celebration,” Montana explained.
    “Now that you’re here,” Mason added, “I just have one question.”
    Manning arched a brow at him. “What?”
    “How’re we gonna top what we did for their fortieth anniversary? I mean, Ma still gets choked up every time she thinks about it.”
    Last year, Manning and his brothers had secretly purchased and restored the aging hotel in Ocho Rios where their parents had honeymooned. Stan and Prissy Wolf had been delighted when their sons sent them on an all-expenses-paid trip to Jamaica for their anniversary. They were told that they would be staying at a popular resort, but when they arrived on the island, they were chauffeured to the beautifully renovated hotel, where their family members and friends were waiting to surprise them. After Manning and his brothers presented their stunned parents with the deed to the property, the anniversary celebration commenced with a lavish party on the beach.
    The thriving hotel was currently managed by Manning’s former roommate, a savvy business major who’d returned home to Jamaica after earning an MBA from MIT, where he and Manning had met as grad students.
    “Who says we have to top anything?” Manning asked Mason. “You know Mom and Dad aren’t expecting anything special since it’s not a milestone anniversary year.”
    “Which is why this is a perfect opportunity to surprise them again,” Montana added.
    Manning nodded. “Exactly.”
    “Hey, I’m not arguing,” Mason said, holding up his hands. “You know I love spoiling the old folks as much as the rest of you. I was just wondering how we can outdo last year’s gift. But I’m sure we can all come up with something.”
    “That’s why we’re here,” Manning said.
    “Well, if we’re throwing them another party,” Maddox

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