Seducing Steve

Read Seducing Steve for Free Online

Book: Read Seducing Steve for Free Online
Authors: Maggie Wells
Tags: Erótica
mantra as he soon found himself engulfed in a story that by all rights should have left scorch marks on the pages. By the time he reached the next love scene, his beer was empty, his tie was long gone, and he was sweating profusely. He read on, picturing Sara as the novel’s heroine and desperately trying to wedge himself into the role of hero.
    Steve closed the book and tossed it onto the coffee table. He glanced down, startled to find his shirt unbuttoned, his belt open, and his dick straining against the fabric of his suit pants.
    Shaking his head, he pushed himself up from the couch and readjusted things a bit while he walked over to the laptop resting on his dining room table. Drawing deep breaths to calm his raging hormones, he waited for his e-mail account to open. He shook his head and muttered, “A little warning would have been nice.” He clicked the button to compose a message.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Holy crap!

People pay you to write this stuff?????? You have an extremely dirty mind. I think I like you even more now. Off to take a cold shower. Hope you had a good dinner. Talk to you tomorrow.

    He sent the message and almost instantly wished he could get it back. Once, just once, he wanted to be cool enough to not sound like a babbling idiot when it came to Sara. He knew it wouldn’t matter. She already knew him so well—far too well for him to pull off being cool.

Chapter Five

    Real. Comfortable. Easy.
    Some women might take offense at his assessment, but most women didn’t know Steve the way she did. She knew that for him to compare her to the kind of woman his mother had been was the highest compliment he could ever give.
    Sara paced her living room, fighting back the temptation to reach for the phone. She didn’t want to be too eager. The last thing she needed would be to come across as a different type of easy.
    One of the drawbacks involved in seducing your best friend is that you know too much.
    She wasn’t a fool. She’d been aware of Steve’s attraction to her from the start. Not that he ever said, did, or even implied anything inappropriate. On the few occasions Adam and Steve crossed paths, both men seemed to go out of their way to be genial with one another. Sara wondered if the two men had somehow recognized the need each of them fulfilled in her life.
    Thinking back now, she could only conclude Adam must have been relieved to have had the role of friend, supporter, and general sounding board scratched from his daily agenda. He was far too busy and important to listen to his wife ramble about plots and motivation. The only climax he had been interested in happened between the sheets—on Tuesdays and Saturdays—if he wasn’t too tired.
    What her ex didn’t realize was that her growing friendship with Steve threw the deficiencies in her marriage into sharp relief. Nothing had gone horribly wrong. Everything was as it had always been. Everything Adam did was smooth, well planned out, and placid. To her way of thinking, the word placid was way too close to the word flaccid for comfort.
    Once, she had thought it was cute that Adam pinned his socks together with a safety pin before they went through the wash. Toward the end, she’d wanted to stab him with those pins until he screamed. She began picking fights, partially to see if he would fight back. He didn’t, and he never screamed.
    But, Steve never disparaged her husband or her lack-luster marriage in any way. He was too much of a gentleman to resort to those tactics. Steve was always a gentleman. That was a big part of his appeal. She wanted to find out exactly how far she’d have to go to break his gentlemanly resolve. She had a feeling it wasn’t far. For too long, Sara had sensed his desire for her simmering just below the surface. She wanted to turn it up to a boil. She needed to know once and for all if they could get something cooking, but she feared turning the heat up too fast. The last

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