Secrets of New Pompeii
obvious they were not really fucking.
    Discontented murmurs spread through the
onlookers. The men switched from one woman to another, but the
“action” remained vanilla.
    “This is boring,” someone muttered. “I’m glad
I didn’t pay for this.”
    Hearing the criticism, the combinations
became more daring. Two of the women pleasured one man while two
men pleasured one woman.
    “His cock’s not even hard,” another onlooker
complained. “Put him in your mouth, sweetheart. You can’t fake
    “Better yet, give us real penetration,”
another demanded. “Enough of this pretend shit!”
    Tarhee moved up beside the performers and
explained his displeasure with one scathing look. Cocks were
immediately buried inside pussies and one of the women frantically
sucked until the last man was hard. “If you would like to see
specific positions,” Tarhee told the crowd, “they will respond to
your suggestions.”
    The performers exchanged mutinous glances,
but none broke character.
    “I want that one to lick her pussy while that
one sucks his cock.” The man directed to suck cock looked decidedly
uncomfortable. The third man attempted to take his place, but the
onlooker insisted he wanted the first man.
    Naloni had seen enough. She had no idea what
the founders had promised these people, or what they were holding
against them, but it was obvious they were being required to do far
more than they had expected. Was one of Stevon’s teams recording
this display? She moved around slowly, trying to spot anyone with a
suspicious-looking piece of jewelry or… Or what? She had no idea
how such things were done.
    “This is a special treat, ladies and
gentlemen,” Mikko’s sharp voice drew her attention to a stage in
the far corner of the room. Hurrying away from the living tableau,
she wove her way toward the small stage. “Wrestling pits are dark
and dangerous, and onlookers miss so much when they can only see
the action from above. This match is guaranteed to be different.
House Olla has issued a challenge to House Zyell and we have
accepted. The two men you are about to see are both proven
champions.” He raised his arm in a dramatic signal for the
wrestlers to enter.
    Dario, the newly defeated champion of New
Pompeii, looked as deadly as ever with his spiky black hair and
obsidian eyes. Was it insulting for a gladiator to wrestle?
Wrestling tested strength and agility and the determination to
overcome. All similar qualities to what was required for success in
the arena. Of course the only weapon he would be allowed was his
body, and he’d thrust with a different kind of sword.
    The thought drew her eyes downward from his
menacing features. His body hair had been removed and his skin
oiled until every ripple and bulge stood out in striking
prominence. His cock had begun to rise, a formidable weapon indeed.
He rolled his shoulders and flexed his arms as he waited for his
    “The representative of House Xyell has not
fought publicly for quite some time, so this is a rare treat. After
retiring undefeated from both the arena and the pits, he became my doctore . He has produced more champions than the other
trainers combined, and he has served me with loyalty and
    Naloni tensed, her heart hammering in her
breast. Why would Max… It couldn’t be. But Bertrom had warned her
that Max would be here, that their lives were about to
    “House Xyell is proud to present Patricius
Maximus, our undefeated champion!” The crowd roared, some shouting
encouragements to Dario, others in support of Max.
    Max entered from the other side of the room,
his stride purposeful, head held high. He was lean, sleek, each
muscle sharply defined. Whatever they’d used to slick back his hair
made it look more black than brown. The severe style accentuated
his fierce features and the unexpected beauty of his light blue
    “Wow,” the woman next to her muttered. “I
wonder if they’ll be available

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