Secrets Collide (Bluegrass Brothers)

Read Secrets Collide (Bluegrass Brothers) for Free Online

Book: Read Secrets Collide (Bluegrass Brothers) for Free Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
me the dog isn’t the witness to the crime and the only one able to ID the killers?”
    Gemma shot him a look that told him to eat shit, but he only laughed and grabbed Fred. “Wait. He doesn’t know you . . .” Gemma’s worried words trailed off as she watched Fred attack the man’s stubbled chin with kisses.
    “Aren’t you a sweet puppy?” Cy cooed. “Now, why don’t you tell me more about your sister and what those guys are after?”
    Who was this man? Gemma didn’t know, but for now he was better than her sister's killers. “Umm. I’m supposed to meet the police. A detective was on his way when they broke in. If you could just get me to him, that’s all I need.” Gemma didn’t know why, but she was suddenly protective of all her information. What if he was one of them? He kinda looked like them—big and scary when fighting.
    Cy chuckled again. “You’re thinking I’m one of them, aren’t you?”
    “No,” Gemma denied instantly, but then Cy raised just one eyebrow. “Okay, yes. But, my dog likes you, so I guess you can’t be too bad.”
    “I’m not bad at anything, honey,” Cy said with a wink.
    Gemma groaned. She escaped a killer but landed with a cocky stuntman. What was next? Being served by a dance crew?
    “So, you were going to tell me about your sister,” he prompted.
    “My twin sister is . . . was . . . Gia Perry.”
    “The international reporter? She broke some huge stories. She must've stumbled onto something big. Is that what you have?” Cy asked.
    “Yes, that’s Gia. She was working on something. I don’t know what, though. I didn’t have time to look. And I certainly am not doing this in the middle of an alley. Now, please, take me to Detective Greene.” Gemma looked around nervously.
    “Sure.” Cy pulled out his cell phone and she started feeling anxious. She felt time ticking and all she wanted to do was get to Detective Greene and hide out in the police station until these men were caught. “Let me just make a quick call.”
    “A call? To whom?” Gemma asked suspiciously.
    “I’m in Hollywood. I have connections all over the place. Let me just check out this Detective Greene and make sure he’s clean.”
    "Okay, that’s pretty smart," Gemma said as she nodded her head while Cy walked off a short way to make his call. If only this would end, maybe she could be free of the pressure strangling her heart.

    Cy turned and gave Gemma a reassuring smile as he dialed the phone.
    “Happy retirement. Are you calling so late to rub it in that you’re drunk and with some starlet?” his boss’s gruff voice laughed over the phone.
    “Nope. But I did have this cute little number quite literally run into me. In fact, that’s why I'm calling. I’m walking home from the bar when I hear shouting. I check it out and look up onto the side of an apartment building where a woman is running down the fire escape with two professionals behind her,” Cy told his boss.
    “Did you get a good look at them?” he asked, the teasing having left his voice.
    “Sure did. Got a real good look at a tattoo one of them had on his wrist as well.”
    “I’ll be damned . . .”
    “You’ll be more than that. Her twin sister was murdered this evening and she’s holding the reason why in her purse. Her sister is Gia Perry.”
    “Holy shit. Where are you? I’ll send St. John to pick her up.”
    “St. John? He’s just a pup. No, I got her.”
    “You’re retired.”
    “And you can postpone that request with a push of a button.” Cy wasn't going to yield. No one was going near Gemma but him.
    “I have a better idea. You’ll like it; it’s off the books. Take Gemma somewhere with you and keep her safe. I’ll assign the case to St. John and if anyone is looking in the files, all they’ll find is a note about her being in a safe house. They’ll find you soon, though.”
    “I know.”
    “There’ll be a jet waiting for you at LAX. I’ll call around and find a

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