Second Chances

Read Second Chances for Free Online

Book: Read Second Chances for Free Online
Authors: Clare Atling
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
she replied, ‘and I'm sorry, Christopher. But Callie’s
my family and I don't know what I would do if something happened to her.’ She
rose from her seat and walked to where Seth was standing. He instinctively
wrapped her in his arms. ‘Find my sister, Seth,’ she said. ‘Please.’
    Seth placed a kiss on her head, hoping to sooth her. ‘I will,’
he said. ‘If it makes you feel better, I’ll send a few wolves out to drive
along the route to see if they spot them. I'm sure Logan just couldn’t resist
your plan of getting them together for the day and he is fucking her senseless
in a hotel somewhere!’
    ‘Either way, he is in for a verbal,’ replied Sarah, ‘as he
should have called.’ She chuckled, thinking that if she and Seth were together
in a hotel room, she wouldn’t bother to call home, either.  
    Just as she was about to ask Seth to send the wolves out,
the phone rang in a loud shrill. They both watched as Christopher picked it up.

    Chapter 10
    Logan replaced the telephone receiver and rubbed his ear,
which was now throbbing from listening to Sarah’s ranting.
    ‘Damn, that girl is livid,’ he said. ‘They are going to send
Greg and two others out to pick us up. Should be three hours, tops. Brandon and
Alex are going to hunt the wood to see if they pick up any scents of the humans
that were chasing us.’   
    They had arrived at the small hotel about an hour ago,
having bought some food and a change of clothes from shop on the way. He paid
with the cash he had left in his pocket and slipped the clerk an extra twenty
to tell anyone looking for them that they had moved on.
    Now that they were fed, he could do with a shower and he
knew Callie wanted to get out of those dirty clothes. Shit, why did he have to
think of Callie taking her clothes off? Now he had another hard-on and all he
could smell was her sweet scent mixed with traces from the woods. He watched Callie
get off the bed to throw the remains of her burger in the bin. He noticed she
was limping.
    ‘Are you hurt, baby?’ He walked over and swept her up in his
arms, walking to the bathroom with her.
    ‘Logan, put me down!’ she laughed. ‘You can’t keep picking
me up like I'm some rag doll.’ But he didn't care what she thought, as all he
could focus on was her pain. ‘Logan, are you listening to me?’
    ‘Just tell me why you’re limping, Callie.’ He placed her
carefully on the bathroom counter and started to remove her shoes. What he saw
made his heart pound faster; he could feel his wolf close to the surface as an
angry growl escaped his throat. Her feet were red raw and covered in blisters
and blood. ‘Callie, baby, why didn't you tell me your feet were hurting so
much?’ He looked into her eyes, which were now awash with tears.
    ‘I didn't want you to think I was weak,’ she replied. ‘I’ll heal
in a few days, anyway. I'm okay, Logan. I just need a shower and a change of
clothes.’ He couldn’t help himself when he looked into her big brown eyes. His
thumb came up and swept the traitor tear that had slipped down her cheek.
    ‘You should have told me, Callie. I’d never think you were weak.’
With that, he leant down and kissed her mouth, tasting her tears before he
pulled away, leaving their foreheads together. ‘Damn it, Callie,’ he said
quietly. ‘You made my dick so hard all day that I could barely walk. All I’ve
thought about is your lush curves and your scent... your scent drives me
fucking mad.’ His hands stroked down her arms, making her shiver with
    ‘I thought it was my curves that caused you to hate me.’ She
needed to know why he had changed his mind. However, she could barely think straight
as his hands made their way down to her thighs, gently pushing them apart and
stepping between them. She could feel his huge, hard ridge as he pushed into
her body.
    ‘You think your weight was the factor for not liking you?’
he said. ‘Not at all, baby. I know I was a prick

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