Second Best Wife

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Book: Read Second Best Wife for Free Online
Authors: Isobel Chace
wished she could say the same about him. She had disliked him, more had loathed everything about him, but in the whirlwind of the last few days, somehow she had found herself beginning to look for his arrogant presence. At first she had thought it was because he afforded her some protection from the avid curiosity of her whole family, but she had soon learned better. For some reason best known to her subconscious self, she just liked to have him around. Could it be that she was beginning to enjoy the verbal battles that was the only way they seemed able to converse with each other? If so, she had got everything she deserved: a marriage that was no marriage, and a husband who didn't even accord her the most grudging respect.
    Her mother had been the other traitor who had made no bones about her joy in going over to the enemy's camp.
    'My dear, I couldn't be more pleased!' she had crooned in ecstasy. 'I've always had a soft spot for William. Dear boy!'
    'You don't think it might be a trifle awkward as he's only just
    stopped being engaged to Jennifer?' Georgina had said practically.
    'I never took that particular relationship very seriously, dear,' her mother had replied, quite unperturbed. 'And nor should you. William knows what he's doing, I'm sure. Jennifer would never have done for him. Why, he looked and sounded like a grown man when he was only fifteen, and Jennifer —well, Jennifer is Jennifer, and we all love her dearly, but no one could describe her as mature yet in her love affairs. Why are you laughing, Georgie? Don't you think that's why William decided not to marry her after all?'
    Georgina had regarded her mother with a little less than the usual affection she had for her. 'It wasn't William who broke things off, it was Jennifer. She prefers Duncan, or so she says. Hasn't she told you yet?'
    Her mother's brow had creased thoughtfully. 'Duncan? You mean that little boy who was forever making her cry when you were all children? No, she hasn't said a single word to your father and me. She probably knows we wouldn't approve of her chopping and changing every few minutes —and certainly not to someone like Duncan! What a repulsive little boy he was!'
    'I thought so,' Georgina admitted. 'Jennifer says she always rather liked him, only I used to bully them both into behaving badly. Is it true, Mother? Did I bully Jennifer?'
    'Whoever gave you that idea? Your father used to say I made you look after Jennifer too much, and it would serve me right if you went through one of those tiresome bossy phases elder sisters do sometimes, but I can't say I ever noticed that you did. The only person you ever fought with was William. You turned into a regular shrew every time he came around.' She had laughed softly. 'The magic chemistry already beginning to work between you seems the most likely solution to that! It seems ridiculous now, but when your father and I were courting we used to fight like wildcats too, but since we got married we've seldom had a cross word. That's how it will be with you and William, you see!'
    Georgina, unable to follow her on this particular romantic flight of fancy, had merely looked sulky. 'A quiet wedding would be much more suitable. I'm sure William would prefer a register office —'
    'Certainly not! This is your big day, darling! William and I have already agreed you'll be married in the village church with all your friends about you. He doesn't approve of hole-and-corner weddings any more than I do. They lack conviction.'
    'I lack conviction,' Georgina had said sadly.
    'Very proper in a bride,' her mother had put in quickly. 'You can rely on William to more than make up for any reservations you have, however. I do like a man who knows his own mind!'
    Georgina had made one last attempt to win her mother over to her side. 'What about Jennifer?' she had asked bluntly. 'She won't like it — '
    Mrs. Perry hadn't even bothered to look up from her sewing. 'Jennifer will have to live with her own

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