then the little man said, “It’s a working theory—”
    “What?” Jenny let out an exasperated sigh.
“We’re supposed to risk our angel souls on a theory?”
    Mr. Patterson’s smile faded away completely.
He looked put out. He had just given them their best chance, and
they had spit it back in his face. Jenny’s expression softened when
she realized she’d upset him.
    “Sorry Mr. P, but it’s not good enough. I
don’t know if I’m willing to risk my angel life on a theory.”
    “It’s the best thing we’ve got.” Kara stood
    Her pain was barely noticeable, if she
didn’t think about it too much. She fluttered her wings and
stretched the stiffness out of them. She yanked up her gloves and
made fists with her hands.
    “We don’t really have a choice. Just think
about it for a minute. We already know that these creatures are
even more powerful than the archangels. We know the legion had
already tried and failed to destroy them. And I have a strong
feeling that the archfiends are just as strong as they ever were,
maybe more now that they have these knights. The legion won’t be
able to stop them, so our best chance is to follow Mr. Patterson’s
plan. We have to try.”
    She wasn’t about to tell everyone that this
plan might save her, too. She was determined to proceed, with or
without them.
    “So, how do we stop these knights? Where do
we start?”
    Mr. Patterson looked grim. “That, I do not
    “Fantastic,” grumbled David. He kicked a
chunk of drywall on the floor. “A great start to the master
    “All I know,” said Mr. Patterson after he
had glared at David and had gripped his crystal in one hand like a
baseball, “is that these creatures will be more powerful than
anything you’ve ever faced. We don’t know even what they look
    “More good news,” said David.
    “They’re probably riders of some sort, maybe
riding on a beast.”
    The old man lowered his voice and turned to
Kara. “This is where your wings will be most useful. Maybe they are
a blessing in disguise.”
    “I seriously doubt that,” said Kara, hiding
her frustration. She knew Mr. Patterson was only trying to make her
feel a little better. He cared about her, and that always brought
her great comfort. But she also had the feeling that he knew more
about her wings and her transformation than he was letting on.
    “The best advice I can give you is to follow
the trail of carnage, and you will find them.”
    Mr. Patterson paused and tapped his crystal
ball thoughtfully. “How to defeat them is another great mystery,
but take comfort in knowing that everything has a weakness. It’s
only a matter of finding what that is.”
    He gave Kara an encouraging smile. “Starting
now, we have four days to stop the knights from completing
their mission.”
    He turned and looked at David. “We know it will take seven days for the knights to break the
seals. Unfortunately they have a three day start on us.”
    David growled. “So we’ve already lost three
days. Super.”
    Kara’s wings quivered with anticipation. She
was restless to get started and did her best to hide her smile. The
sooner they got rid of the knights, the sooner she’d be back to
normal. At that moment she didn’t care how all-powerful these
supreme beings probably were, she only cared about ridding herself
of her mutation.
    Though she’d never admit it, Kara didn’t
really know what to expect when they faced the first knight. Her
weapons training and fighting skills had made her an exceptional
guardian. She knew this. But her body ached and hiding the
throbbing pain in her wings was nearly impossible. They all thought
her wings would be advantageous, but they didn’t know how much she
suffered. She had to keep up with the charade for everyone’s sake.
Whatever dangers lay ahead would decide the fate of them all, the
fate of the worlds.
    Their plan was going to work, because
it had to.
    “Four days left. One day for each

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