Scream for Me

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Book: Read Scream for Me for Free Online
Authors: Karen Rose
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Thrillers
Simon. Mother wanted to bring him home, certain he’d been some amnesia victim or something. Dad wanted to reinforce his blackmail, so he took the pictures with him to Philly. Eventually Mother realized Dad was never going to let her see Simon.”
    “Simon would have told her that your father had known all along that he was alive.”
    “Exactly. Then Dad disappeared. He must have found Simon because Simon killed him and buried him in a deserted field with all his other victims. Simon contacted my mother and she was planning to meet him. She knew she could be walking into a trap but she didn’t care.”
    “Because she was dying of cancer and had nothing more to lose.”
    “Yes. She opened a mailbox for me at one of those mailbox stores. Inside the box were these pictures. She’d left them in the event Simon did kill her.”
    “You said Ciccotelli up in Philly had copies. Does he know you kept the originals?”
    “No. I made the copies I gave him.”
    Luke’s eyes widened. “You copied these at a regular copy machine?”
    “No,” Daniel scoffed. “After I found the pictures at the mailbox store, I bought a copier-scanner. I had a few hours before Susannah arrived from New York, so I went back to my hotel room, set the scanner up to my laptop, and made the copies there.”
    “You set up a scanner all by yourself?”
    “I’m not completely inept,” Daniel said dryly. “The guy in the store showed me how.” He looked back at the picture of Alicia’s assault. “I’ve had nightmares about these girls for years. Since I got the pictures back a week ago, I’ve been memorizing their faces. I promised myself that I’d find out what part Simon had in getting these pictures, then I’d find the girls and tell them Simon was dead. I never dreamed the first ID would be dumped in my lap this way.”
    “So you didn’t know Alicia Tremaine at all?”
    “No. She was five years younger than me, so I never would have known her at school and I was away at college when she was murdered.”
    “And none of these guys in the pictures are Simon?”
    “No. All the men have both their legs. Simon was an amputee. Plus Simon was a good bit taller than any of these guys. I haven’t seen any tattoos or any other identifying features or marks on any of the pictures.”
    “But now you have one of the victims’ names, which is more than you had before.”
    “True. Now I’m wondering if I should tell Chase about the pictures.” Chase Wharton was Daniel’s CO. “If I do, he could take the Arcadia case away from me, along with any investigation of these pictures. I really want to solve both of these cases. I need to.”
    “It’s atonement,” Luke murmured and Daniel nodded.
    Luke lifted a brow. “You’re assuming no one was ever arrested for Alicia’s murder.”
    Daniel straightened abruptly. “Can you check?”
    Luke was already typing into the laptop. “Police arrested Gary Fulmore a few hours after they found Alicia’s body.” He typed again, his keystrokes rapid. “Gary Fulmore was found guilty of sexual assault and murder in the second degree the following January.”
    “It’s January now,” Daniel said. “Coincidence?”
    Luke shrugged. “That’s what you need to find out. Look, Danny, it’s pretty cut-and-dried that Simon didn’t kill that woman in Arcadia. He’s been dead himself a week.”
    “And this time I watched him die myself,” Daniel said grimly.
In fact, I helped.
And he was glad that he had. He’d done the world a service in ensuring Simon was dead.
    Luke’s eyes flickered in sympathy. “And they caught the man who murdered Alicia. Who knows, maybe this is Fulmore.” He pointed to the rapist in the picture. “And most important, you aren’t solving the murder of Alicia Tremaine. You’re solving the murder of the woman in the Arcadia ditch. If it was me, I wouldn’t mention the pictures just yet.”
    Viewed logically, Luke’s argument made perfect sense. Or maybe he

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