Scion (Norseton Wolves Book 4)
anything the way an alpha should?”
    “You think you know so much. And more than me , about my own pack? That’s bullshit.”
    “I’ll know more about it than you’ll ever imagine.”
    He leaned his ass against the side of the driver’s seat and canted his head to the dress she held. “Put it on. We’re leaving.”
    “Ha.” She shook it out and rolled it up as if to step into it. “Not gonna leave me out here to make my way back on my own? Seems like it’d be a primo opportunity to get rid of me. You’re being shortsighted.”
    “Lucky for you, I’m not cruel.” Just obsessive. That was one of the reasons he’d never be the pack’s alpha. He was too dogged about remedying personal slights, and he knew that about himself. It was just a part of his constitution, the same way having brown eyes and brown hair was. Anton was the better choice for their next leader, and Vic was pretty sure his dad had always known that. The guys in the pack called Vic “Scion” because they assumed he’d be next in line, but they’d probably learn the truth soon enough.
    “Yeah, lucky for me,” she muttered. She shimmied back into the dress and brushed out the wrinkles of the brightly printed skirt.
    He had to admit it was a pretty dress. The woman who happened to be modeling it made the garish pattern infinitely more attractive. She was beautiful—exquisitely molded and so fucking feminine—and fortunately, she didn’t look a damned thing like her ogre of her father. If she hadn’t been a Madeira, he might have been able to muster up some pride about it.
    She moved away, ostensibly in search of her sandals. “So, what now?”
    He sighed and raised a hand to scratch his head. The gold of his wedding band glinted in his periphery, and he suppressed a groan. He was married to her and mated to her. Whether he liked it or not, they were connected until the day one of them kicked the bucket. “I’m going to drop you off at wolf housing.”
    “And where are you going?”
    “Does it matter?”
    “I suppose it doesn’t to you, but I’ve gotta say, this isn’t exactly how I imagined my wedding day to pan out, if I had to have one at all.”
    “Oh? Did you imagine you’d play the scene for the rest of your life? Is that how you made it to twenty-nine without being given to some guy?”
    She wound her arm back and tossed a sandal at him, but he easily dodged it.
    She got in his face, wagging an index finger at him. “First of all, I’m not a thing to be given away.”
    He closed his hand around her finger and pushed it out of his face. “Watch it.”
    She snatched her hand back, stood on her tiptoes, and got a little closer to him. “Second of all, you need to watch your tone.”
    “Why? You should be used to men using that tone around wolf women. And what are you going to do if I don’t watch it? Are you gonna call your daddy and tell him your new mate is a big meanie? Boo-freakin’-hoo, babe. I’m shakin’ in my boots.”
    “Ugh!” She brought up a knee rapidly in the general vicinity of his junk, but thanks to his wolf reflexes, got quickly out of the way.
    He grabbed her from behind by the waist and pinned her torso against the truck seat.
    She writhed and squirmed under his grip, but even if she were stronger than she had been before her arrival, she’d never be a match for him. He gripped her wrists together in one hand and pressed them to the small of her back, keeping his other hand on her shoulders.
    “You’re such a dick!” She squirmed ineffectually, but there wasn’t much she could do and not hurt herself against the steering wheel or other protruding interior components. “Let go of me.”
    “How are you gonna get so indignant about being suppressed when you just brazenly tried to knee me in the jewels? This is self-defense, babe.”
    “Yeah, like you really need to try so hard to get out of my way. You’re just being an ass. Let go of me.”
    “Nah. Maybe I’m enjoying the

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