Scarlet Memories (Book 1)

Read Scarlet Memories (Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Scarlet Memories (Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jessica T. Ozment
Tags: Zombies
as quickly as she could. The truck jerked violently throwing the group forward. The truck ran off of the highway and into shoulder of the road. A few of their heads smashed against the car windows. Seconds later, Susan found herself in the direct path of a giant oak tree. There was no time for
    her to miss this obstacle however, and the truck
    slammed squarely right into the middle of it.

    C hapter Three: Sam
    Samantha Thorne was sitting in her kitchen eating a bowl of cereal that she had just fixed for herself moments ago. She dipped her spoon into the bowl and scooped up a scrumptious bite of cereal flakes. The taste of sweetness was over bearing her taste buds as she took a generous bite. Through her open window, Sam watched as her neighbor walked out of the front of the hotel door. He was carrying a few luggage bags with him. It looked as though he were checking out of the Hewett today.
    It was Monday and Sam knew that Monday’s were the best for people watching. She would sit here for hours on Monday just watching people come from far and wide to stay at her hotel. he was working at a local restaurant as part of the wait staff currently. She wasn’t making very much money. But, this hotel was all that she had. And everything that she owned was here with her in her hotel room. It was an extended stay hotel. So, many of the occupants would stay much longer than a week. She usually got to know tenants pretty fast.
    Sam took her bowl and spoon and placed it into the dishwasher. She turned the knob to the ON’ position. The familiar sound of the dishwasher filling with water and sloshing around began. Sam walked back into her living room. She looked out of the hotels front window.               She could see more people coming and going. Today was her one day off from work and even from her online college courses that she had been taking. She would sit back and relax the day away. Hopefully, she could get in a bit of light reading later. Sam had recently started a new book. And today was the perfect day to really get in a fair amount of reading.
    Sam sat down on her comfortable bed and opened up her book. She began reading. A few moments pass by and Sam hears a knock at her door. Who could that be ? She thought as she sat her book down onto the table next to her bed. There was another soft tap at her door.
    ‘Coming!’ She rang out.
    She wasn’t used to visitors stopping by. Maybe it is the bellhop with a message? She wondered. Sam walked to the hotel door and peered through the peephole. She almost thought that there wasn’t anyone there. At first glance the hall appeared empty. So, Sam stood on her tip toes and looked a little further down. Finally, she saw a little brown headed boy standing at her door. He was almost too short to be seen. Sam wondered what he could want. She had seen this boy before. He was with his mother usually. She had actually seen them check in a few months ago. And by the looks of the tag that her mother wore around her neck, she worked with a filming crew. Sam opened her door.
    ‘Hey little guy. Can I help you?’ She asked looking the kid over, searching for anything that could be wrong with him.
    He was a slender lad with dark hair and blue eyes. He wore a shirt that read, ‘My dog ate my homework.’ Hahhahah! Sam laughed to herself as she read it. He had a concerned look washing over his face.
    ‘Are you ok kid?’ She asked stepping down closer to his level. He couldn’t be more than 9 or 10 years old. Poor thing. Her feeling of compassion came out of nowhere. She thought. The boy’s look soon faded and he opened his mouth to speak.
    ‘I’m trying to get a hold of my mom.’ The boy said, raising his cell phone up to her hands.
    ‘But, every time I try to call there is no answer. My mom always answers. Except when she is filming. But, she always text me before she does that and after she is done. She still has be text her even

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