Saving Margaret

Read Saving Margaret for Free Online

Book: Read Saving Margaret for Free Online
Authors: Krystal Shannan
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, Werewolves, shifters
isn’t he? Bears don’t live in Vegas.”
    The question was no more than a whisper, but her heart clenched hearing the pain in her mother’s voice.
    “I’m not going anywhere right now, Mom.” The smell of burning pancakes caught her attention and she sniffed. “Don’t worry, we’ll talk about Scott later. Can you go check the food on the stove? I’m going to shower and then I’ll be right back.”
    Her mom nodded and Margaret hurried up the stairs.
    As her cute butt bounced up the stairs, he had to force himself to remain still. Every cell was screaming to follow her. She smelled divine. Her scent clung to his shirt where she had snuggled only moments before.
    A cough from her father interrupted his very carnal thoughts. He turned. They were all staring at him. The Taylor alpha, his wife, and a dozen or so other pack members, all male. His only ally, Maggie Michaels, was also retreating up the stairs behind Margaret.
    The awkward moment was broken by another knock at the door. Everyone turned, but no one moved.
    “Oh for heaven’s sake,” Margaret’s mother sighed, and pushed past Scott to the door. “Someone has to answer it.”
    When the door opened, a group of seven stood crowded together on the porch—six of which were female. Three were blond and two were redheads and one was a brunette. Gods bless the man who could handle that many women at once.
    “We heard someone is stalking Margaret,” the older blonde at the front of the group spoke first.
    “Keith…Rachel,” the redheaded male acknowledged both the Taylor alpha and his mate. “Just tell us where to start. We want to help,” he continued in a solemn tone.
    Scott stepped back when Keith came forward.
    “Connor, Siobhan, thank you for coming so soon. The intruder is an outsider. We tracked his scent to the ally behind Margaret’s house, but he had a vehicle parked there and the trail ends. I know it’s asking a lot, but we were hoping…”
    “I’ll do it, of course. Anything for the pack,” the older blonde spoke again. “You’ve protected us when no one else would.”
    “Thank you, Siobhan,” Rachel stepped forward, pulling Siobhan into an embrace.
    The entire group was eyeing him suspiciously, but it was one of the young women who finally addressed him.
    “Why are you here?”
    “Maeve, hush,” the woman called Siobhan hissed. “Don’t be disrespectful.”
    The young woman, probably only eighteen or so, fidgeted and glanced back at him again.
    “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t mind the bear,” one of Margaret’s younger male cousins shouted from the living room couch. “He’s just Margaret’s mate.”
    “Allan!” Rachel shouted. “Nothing is set in stone.”
    “Whatever you say, Aunt Rachel,” he chuckled. “I heard ‘perfect match.’ That phrase doesn’t usually mean negotiable.”
    Scott glanced into the living room and winked at the young man. He moved from the foyer to sit in a chair by the front window.
    “Who are they?”
    Allan raised his eyebrows. “The estrogen-filled group on the porch? That’s the O’Brian family. They moved to Vegas about ten years ago when their pack broke apart.”
    “So are they part of your pack?”
    “Yep. The Taylor’s adopted them. It’s hard for single couple families to find protection, especially when one of them is a seer. Council tends to frown on any pack having such an advantage. Usually causes problems, but we’ve hidden her for years. So, I guess everything is going okay.”
    So different from the bear lifestyle.
    “Nothing wrong with different. Wolves are pack animals. They are stronger in groups,” his bear responded.
    There’s so damn many of them.
    He could hear his bear chuckling in the recesses of his mind.
    The O’Brian clan shuffled into the living room and kitchen. Some grabbed some breakfast and some made themselves comfortable on the couches, the floor, one of the girls even plopped down in Allan’s lap. Though, a quick hiss from her

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