Save for Shardae
her fingers to one of the three illuminated boxes. The drawer ejected from the embedded shelf. Shardae guided a slippery, jelly-like substance out of its protective sleeve. Shaped in thick, phallic form, the jelly substance hardened into a solid tool -- a tool for pure wickedness. It glided through her hand -- thick, with a trio of ribbed circles near the tip. The smooth head always parted her nether lips with ease, but the trio of little ribbing stroked sensations that bolted through her, multiplying with each plunge into her wet heat.
    How’d I get this damn desperate ?
    Not waiting for an answer, she took the dildo and ran it across her right breast’s tight point. It caused her sensitive nipple to harden all the more -- to the point of pleasurable pain.
    “Completed male construct,” the A.I. announced.
    Sure enough, a complete replica of Zander appeared. He stole her breath. Even though she knew this constructed holographic Zander wasn’t him, this one would do.
    “Hello,” he said. “Where have you been?”
    “Uh, working,” she replied, falling into the fantasy’s routine.
    She knew the lines. For over a year, her ex-boyfriend starred in this simulation, but no more. He’d been downgraded to her kickboxing sparring partner.
    Tugging gently, Zander drew her to him. His eyes had grown dreamy. His fingertips brushed her chin. He lifted her face, so she could gaze on him. Zander’s thick chocolate mousse hair fell seductively to his shoulders. He kissed her soulfully, deep, and totally without emotion. But she didn’t use her sim program for anything other than stress release. People could get lost in hologram fantasies, even falling in love with people who didn’t exist.
    “Get naked. Now. I want to see your firm, fine ass.” Those strong pilot hands smacked her hard across her bottom.
    Heat raced over her. With heart and clit beating like mad, she stripped off the rest of her clothes under his burning stare. He watched her intensely.
    Zander squatted down behind her. He didn’t speak, only caressed her, wrenching up her desire. Still, her body stretched taut with just the quiet pants of Zander’s breath. She whispered, “Do it.”
    “I will.”
    “Please,” she squeaked. Her hands cupped her breasts. With her forefingers and thumbs, she rolled the stiff tips of her nipples. “Don’t make me wait.”
    Would the real Zander leave her to this sweet torment? That thought made her smile. Zander had been nothing at all like his rumored self. She couldn’t quite see him as the playful heartbreaker the whispers painted him to be. But she had just met him.
    Rough hands grabbed her shoulders. Her Zander spun her around so she faced the head of the bed. The ivory illuminated walls behind it melded into a circular thicket of trees. This holographic Zander program only contained one construct for play and didn’t involve the setting features most sim programs did.
    Voyeur. This Zander’s primary role.
    Pushing her down onto all fours, he still didn’t speak. Cool air made Shardae’s skin prickle. Fine by her. Although he looked identical to the real Zander, his voice didn’t bear any resemblance to him . So him not speaking only fed Shardae’s fantasy.
    She twisted herself over on the bed and looked at him. His eyes, mouth, smile all matched, but lacked Zander’s personality, the real source of his attractiveness. She shut her eyes and focused on the alive, breathing, under-her-skin Zander.
    Just then the simZander’s mouth brushed her exposed pussy. Another swipe. He drew a moan from her lips. Only Zander’s delightfully skilled tongue on her clit, strumming with abandon over the engorged bud, remained.
    Raising herself on her elbow, she clutched her right breast. Her index finger flicked the taut bud again in time to Zander’s cadence. Zander’s essence filled her senses, and became real -- his skin, the woodsy scent of him, the deep sensual rumble of his voice all manifested in the

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