Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5
and he’ll lead us into a new chapter for the MC.
    “You have a lot to think about. You need to talk it over with your woman, too. Don’t want another fucking situation like we have now. Wasn’t sure you’d want the job but am glad, Brother, that you do.”
    I stand up and head for the door.
    “Dirt, man, stay and finish your beer.”
    “Another time, I’m tired, and I want some shut eye. Not looking forward to the days that are coming. You think anyone will challenge you?”
    “No, no one else is after the crown. There might be some shoving if Dane does step down, but, Dirt, I’m telling you, it’s not going to come to that.”
    I wish I had his faith, but he wasn’t on the plane when Dane voiced his declaration. Jonas didn’t see the conviction in his eyes.  I nod at him and continue toward my bike.
    “Thanks for the beer.”
    As I’m climbing on my bike, Addy pulls up out front.
    “Hey Dirt!” she hollers as she gets out of the car.
    “Hey Addy, where’s the young fella?”
    “Staying at grandpa's for the night. He didn’t want to come home with me,” she replies with a grin.
    “Good seeing you, Addy.”
    I start my bike, give her a wave, and ride away.

Chapter 7
Vice President in the Savage Angels MC
    I watch through the window as Dirt and Addy exchange hellos. Dane and I have been friends for years. Dirt has to have it wrong, there’s no way he’d leave the MC, even for Kat. I open the freezer and pull out a bottle of Crystal Head Vodka, we keep it in here, so it’s always cold. I pour myself a generous serve and take a long swallow. I hear Dirt ride away and then Addy as she comes through the house.
    “Jonas! Honey! Where are you?” Addy yells, sounding happy. When she enters the kitchen, her step falters as she looks at me. “Has something happened? Is everyone all right?”
    “Relax, love. Everyone’s fine. Well, sort of.” I take another sip of my drink and refill the glass. “You want one?”
    Addy places her handbag on the kitchen bench. “Sure, why not? It’s not every day you crack open the good stuff.” She walks around and wraps her arms around my middle, calming my tumultuous mind.
    “You have to drink it straight, can’t have you mixing it and diluting the flavor.”
    “Straight it is! Did I tell you that we have the whole house to ourselves? If you’re lucky I’ll let you pour it all over me and lick it off.”
    I smirk at her. “Too good to waste, love.”
    Addy withdraws her arms and punches me lightly in the arm. “No sex for you.”
    “You know I’m teasing.” I love this woman, even right now as she looks at me with fake hurt on her gorgeous face.
    “Hmm, we will see.” She opens the cupboard and hands me a glass. “What did Dirt want?”
    “He came to talk to me about becoming President of the MC.”
    “What? Has something happened to Dane?” she asks worriedly.
    “He’s fine, he’s talking about stepping down. The mantle will go to me if I want it.”
    “Jonas, you’re a great VP. The men respect you, and some fear you. I know how much you love the club, but is being the President something you want?”
    I take in her words and mull them over. Addy grabs my hand and pulls me toward the living room. I sit on the couch, and she sits down next to me, placing her long legs across my lap.
    “Once upon a time, being the President was all I wanted. Just before Kat came on the scene, I had decided that it was what I wanted. But over the last few years, I’ve come to realize there is more to life.” I lovingly run a hand up her leg, pushing her skirt up as I do.
    “Stop right there, handsome. I’m not sure if I want to tangle with you after that comment about wasting good vodka.”
    “I take it back. It won’t be a waste,” I say, as I stroke her face and smile at her.
    “Nice try. So, you don’t want to be President?”
    Like always, she brings me back to what’s important. “No, love, I don’t, but if Dane does step down, I’ll not

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