
Read Saturn for Free Online

Book: Read Saturn for Free Online
Authors: Ben Bova
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy
    Eberly glanced sharply at Morgenthau, who said hastily, "I have explained to Dr. Vyborg that our task is to take charge of the habitat's management, once we get underway."
    "Which will be in two hours," Vyborg added.
    Eberly focused his gaze on the little man, asking, "I have seen to it that you are highly placed in the Communications Department. Can you run the entire department, if and when I ask you to?"
    "There are two very prominent persons above me in the department," Vyborg replied. "Neither of whom are Believers."
    "I know the organization chart!" Eberly snapped. "I drafted it myself. I had no choice but to accept those two secularists above you, but you are the one I have chosen to run the department. Can you do it?"
    "Of course," Vyborg answered without hesitation. "But what will become of my superiors?"
    "You can't ship them home, once we get started," Morgenthau pointed out, a smile dimpling her cheeks.
    "I will take care of them," Eberly said firmly, "when the proper moment comes. For now, I want to know that I can rely on you."
    "You can," said Vyborg.
    "Completely and utterly. I want total loyalty."
    "You will have it," Vyborg said firmly. Then he smiled again and added, "If you can make me head of communications."
    "I will."
    Morgenthau smiled, satisfied that these two men could work together and further the cause that she had given her life to serve.

    Holly was getting frantic. She had searched everywhere for Malcolm, from his austere little office to the other cubbyholes in the human resources section, then down the corridors in the other sections of the administration building. No sign of him anywhere.
    He'll miss the breakout! she kept telling herself. She had it all planned out, she would take Malcolm to the lakeside site down at the edge of the village. Professor Wilmot and his managers had arranged more than a dozen spots around the habitat where people could gather and watch the breakout ceremonies on big vid screens that had been set up out in the open. The lakeside was the best spot, Holly thought, the prettiest and closest to their offices.
    But Malcolm was nowhere to be found. Where could he be? What's he doing? He'll miss everything! People were streaming along the paths toward the assembly areas where the big screens had been set up, couples and larger groups, chatting, smiling, nodding hello to her. Holly ignored them all, searching for Eberly.
    And then she saw him, striding along the path from the woods with that overweight Morgenthau woman beside him. Holly frowned. He's spending a lot of time with her, she thought. But a smile broke across her face as she watched them: Morgenthau was puffing hard, trying to keep up with Malcolm's longer strides. Serves her right, Holly thought, as she started down the path to intercept them and bring Malcolm over to the shore of the lake. She wanted him standing beside her as the habitat started its long flight to Saturn. Nobody else, she told herself. He's got to stand with me.

    Sitting up in bed, Pancho Lane stared unhappily at the hologram image of Goddard hanging in space. It appeared as if one half of her bedroom had disappeared, to be replaced by the darkness of space with a miniature habitat floating in the middle of the scene, revolving slowly. The Moon edged into view, pockmarked and glowing brightly. Pancho could see the laser beacon that marked the top of Mt. Yeager, just above Selene, not all that far from her own bedroom.
    She's really doing it, Pancho grumbled to herself. Sis is really going off in that danged tin can, getting as far away from me as she can get. I saved her life, I broke my butt paying her medical expenses and the cryonics and all that, I nursed her and taught her and wiped her shitty ass, and now she goes traipsing off into the wild black yonder. That's gratitude. That's a sister's love.
    Yet she couldn't work up real anger. She knew that Susie needed to break away, needed to start her own life. Independently.

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