Sasha's Lion
I’m seeing is unreal. Are there
many of you? Does the government know about you? What else is there? Do you get
any enhancements? Can you turn me into a shifter? How do you hide what you are?

    “It’s called Sin City not for the reasons most
think, but because it’s the biggest doorway in the world. There are a lot of
smaller ones scattered throughout the world.”
    What the hell did she mean about doorways? “Doorways?”
    “Just listen. I’ll explain,” said Britney. “Shifters
are protectors; we always have been. We protect the human race. There are
creatures out there that are not so nice. We shifters hunt them down and kill
them. Yes, the government knows about us as everyone in power is a shifter
mostly. There are quite a lot of us, and we are all different, werewolves,
bears, eagles, all the predators of the animal kingdom. Yes, we have
enhancements. We’re stronger than humans. We heal faster, and we grow old
slower, and we never get sick or have diseases. We don’t really hide what we
are as humans never ask, and if they see something they think they have gone
crazy like you, or pretend they didn’t see it. And lastly, no, you cannot be
turned into a shifter. You have to be born a shifter.” Britney sagged back into
the sofa. “I hope I don’t have to do that again for a long time.” She winked at
Sasha. “I didn’t leave anything out?”
    Sasha shook her head, too stunned to answer with the
information overload. She sat quiet for a while thinking over everything she’d
been told as she stroked her lion. Her hand stilled as what she said rebounded around
in her head. She eased away from the lion and stopped patting him. Then she
slowly stood.
    “Thanks for answering my questions. Can someone take
me home, please, now?”
    Savron changed back into a naked man. “I’ll take you
    Moving away from him she pasted what she hoped looked
like a smile on her face as she said, “No. I think it’d be best if Brandon
takes me home right now, thanks.” She turned and walked to door not waiting for
an answer or to see if anyone followed.
    Sasha walked out the house and waited by the car
door, her emotions and mind in turmoil.   Brandon came out of the house, and she sighed in relief. Right now she
felt like he was the only one who hadn’t betrayed her.
    The ride home was uncomfortable. Brandon tried to
talk to her, but she was too distracted to follow most of what he said. She got
out of the car at her house, waved, and went inside and straight to her room
only stopping to say hi to her little sister and mother.
    She shed her school uniform leaving them on the
floor and grabbed some tacky sweats and a singlet. Then she lay in bed
wallowing in her chaotic thoughts. She didn’t know how long she lay on her bed.
It wasn’t until her mum came in to tell her she was late for a dance lesson
that she got up, pulled her Ugg boots on, grabbed her
dance shoes and drove to class. Sasha hoped that dancing and doing her favorite
thing would give her mind a rest.
    She called in sick to school the next day. She needed
time to gather herself and decide what she was going to do. Sasha felt like
Britney had betrayed her by not telling her who and what she really was. She had
also made her feel like a fool for not guessing something was up before this.
Sasha had wondered all night who else was a shifter
and what the creatures were that they fought. She also wondered how it would
affect her world and most of all her family.
    By the end of the day Sasha had dodged phone calls
from the Pride family and two visits from Britney. Sasha wasn’t ready to face
her or any of them. She needed time.
    Sasha had missed two days of school at first. Then she
went back and sat with different friends, ones she hadn’t spent much time with
since Britney had made her one of her besties . Sasha
was starting to feel guilty. It had been almost two weeks since Savron had
turned into a lion, Britney had told her about

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