Sarah Tries to Save the World

Read Sarah Tries to Save the World for Free Online

Book: Read Sarah Tries to Save the World for Free Online
Authors: Noah Porter
Tags: Zombies
zombies, and Ben’s about to disappear under a wave of zombies. I gasp as everything disappears and I’m covered in darkness, with weapons hitting all over me and confusion all around of me.
    Suddenly there’s a loud burst of what I know, even in my half-smothered state, to be machine gun fire.
    There’s a sudden din, made of gunshots and grenades, and I vaguely wonder how Ben and everyone grabbed grenades, as we only took two with us. A zombie begins throttling me around the neck, and I stop focusing on anything at all but breathing. The zombie squeezes harder and harder and I reel from lack of air, trying with every ounce of strength left in my body to knock it off.
    Darkness begins appearing in front of my eyes when my supply of air runs dangerously low, and I gasp for more air.
    The darkness threatens to take over me, and I shut my eyes tightly. There are more shouts and gunshots ringing through my darkness, and the zombie lets go the next second.
    I know only that I’m mercifully, wonderfully free, but my throat makes a bizarre sound as I take my first breath in forever. I see strange men running all around me, staving off the zombies, and then Ben and Lily and Aria running towards me.
    I try to stand up, but there’s a ringing sound in my ears and I fall again. Ben catches me just in time, and I get one glimpse into his suddenly-frantic blue eyes before I don’t see anything at all.

Chapter 8
    Beep. Beep. Beep. I hear what I think’s my alarm and roll over, intending to hit the snooze button. It beeps louder, and I open my eyes, about to groan, when I freeze. My memory comes flooding back to me and I become aware of a throbbing headache in the back of my head and a queer pain around my stomach.
    Ben, Lily, and Aria are standing there, laughing at what must be a stunned look on my face.
    "Somebody's been caught sleeping in," said Ben in a singsong voice.
    I blink. Is this Ben that I'm talking to?
    I must've said that out loud because he responds, "That's me. Ben. Yup, I'm alive. We thought you weren't going to pull through, though."
    I massage my temple. "Whaa?"
    Lily sits down on the edge of the bed. "It's hard to explain... But I'll give it a shot."
    I nod and she begins.
    "We were saved by people from Murlyn. Apparently they're the 'white' we've been told to follow for, like, forever." She smiles nonchalantly at me.
    I sit there, as motionless as if it was the split second after a bomb had imploded. I can only say three words. "What the heck?!?"
    Aria rolls her eyes. "Lily already explained everything we already know. That, and we're at the hospital in Tieryl."
    My mouth drops open. "Tieryl? And are the rumors..." I trail off.
    A woman with long, chestnut brown hair pulled back into a bun walks briskly in, finishing my sentence. "True. Tieryl is a 'flying city', or at least it can be."
    I feel so relieved one second then shocked the next. "Why am I here? Why did you save us but not all the other innocent people? What's going on?"
    She quickly replies, "We rescued as many innocents as we could during the war; now that it's over, we can be less.. subtle.. with our help and assist even more people. Well, as you may know, there's a zombie apocalypse going on, in answer to your question as to what's going on."
    She gives me a deadpan look and I stare back at her. She stifles a snicker as she says, "I'm guessing that's not what you meant. Well, we're trying to save people, reverse apocalyptic effects, etc. You are all on board as long as you wish, but you will have to earn your keep by helping rescue new people. Oh, by the way, I'm Twyla."
    I look back at her, noticing a bit of strain in her smile. I still take her outstretched hand.
    "I'm Sarah, and I assume the others introduced themselves. But you still haven't answered my first question. Why am I here?"
    Her eyes are definitely darting around the room as her smile

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