Sand Glass
as I was assimilating the version I had chosen. But the other
versions were still there ready to move in again. Without the
overcoming power of my strange immunity to the paradox of it all, I
would not have been able to make her even vaguely aware of my
connection. Marcia had done it too. She came back in then, sat down
next to Janey, and explained to me about the hours before and what
it had been like. An experiment had worked. But this was beyond
    ‘I just got my
letter.’ said Janey as Marcia handed her an envelope, ‘they want me
to go and join them for some test runs of the Sand Glass
    I looked at the
A4 paper as she unfolded it in front of me. It was exactly like
    ‘Do you see the
mistake?’ Marcia asked me.
    ‘Come on you
do! Think!’
nothing wrong with the letter.’ I said and looked up.
    ‘Yes there is.’
Janey interjected, ‘the only people who know my location are my
parents, and the detective investigating the crash. This should
have been sent to the lab at the University. Or a "care of" address
I occasionally use.’
    ‘So how did we
get here?’
    ‘Marcia rang my
    ‘But how did I
get here?’
    ‘A friend told
you. Jules I believe. He spoke to them too. The request came from
another who my parents do trust.’
    ‘I believe that
is how you Men refer to the Dear Doctor. You really must be more
    This was so
like my Janey that I started to smile.
    ‘The name is
also wrong.’ I said without glancing at it again.
    ‘You were
always “Janey Amber”. I never knew about the “Arden” until later.
And you didn’t either; I mean the You in there….the expedition we
were on together. It’s as if they want to get rid of you
    ‘You mean it
was them?’ she turned away, then looked at Marcia who rolled her
eyes sideways towards me.
    ‘Tell me what
you think. I know it is speculation. Tell me the truth.’
    ‘I think there
is a danger of them trying to stop you.’
    ‘Then why
involve me?’
    ‘Because you
were the key to the experiment itself.’
    ‘You mean all
my initial trials actually led to something that worked? In another
reality….the reality you have just come from?’ her eyes went round
and hungry with curiosity.
    ‘Of course they
did! But if they needed to get rid of you.’ I struggled a little on
how it would be; she was after all a scientist and a very clever
one; ‘You invented it. Everyone knows you did in that place. And I
believe that they only would try to get rid of you after you
invented it.’
    ‘Yes. I see.’
She went quiet.
    ‘There is a
point to consider,’ said Marcia, ‘that if they were really fitting
in with this they would have addressed it to our Harriet here.’
    ‘Then we would
have known they were lying.’ I said, ‘Inside the anomaly she was
always called Janey Amber. They knew because they already knew…
which means.’
    ‘I killed him!’
Janey stood up quickly.
    ‘He’s not
actually dead.’ I was startled by her sudden movement.
    ‘He did suffer
it.’ said Marcia, ‘And that is more the issue.’
    I looked to
Marcia, ‘We need to get the people who remember together. Then we
need to get back to Main Base, and take a transport to the ice
fields. Marcia, I need you. Your knowledge, your memory. I need you
to give me my tag back as well.’
    ‘What about the
pendant?’ Janey eyed me strangely.
    ‘Oh!’ I drew
the chain over my head, and slowly gathered it into her palm.
    Janey looked
away, and she spoke in such a low voice I could barely hear it:
‘Jared was wearing this; in the crash. He didn’t have it on when
the ambulance crew took us from the wreckage. The investigators
searched for it for us. It had disappeared.’
    ‘He took it
with him.’ I pressed her hand shut over the small oblong mirror
edged with a quotation.
    ‘It’s Psalm 32.
Did you know? I had it made especially for Jared.’ She got up

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