Safeword Quinacridone

Read Safeword Quinacridone for Free Online

Book: Read Safeword Quinacridone for Free Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
Where did you go to high school, college? Did you have a good relationship with your parents while you were growing up? Now? What did/does your dad do for a living, what did/does your mom do for a living? What’s the coolest thing a grandparent ever taught you? Have you ever broken a bone?
    There were more than thirty questions, and with around two hours to fill she asked what his father did for a living to get them started.
    When he exited the interstate and she saw roller coasters peeking above the trees, she was shocked it’d already been two hours. However, a quick glance at the clock told her they’d only driven an hour and forty minutes, which meant he’d driven awfully fast, but it hadn’t felt like it. He hadn’t scared her a single time.
    They pulled into the parking lot, where attendants pointed the line of cars towards the nearest parking spaces. He lowered his window and gave his name, and they were pointed another direction as the attendant reached for the radio at his belt. Within a half mile another employee pointed them towards an alley and moments later they rolled into a secluded parking area. By the time they exited the Ferrari, the last employee to direct their turn had caught up. They were given maps and a nice welcome, and shown to a gate where they entered the park from the side. Travis casually offered a tip and thanked the woman by name.
    “How’d you manage that?” Cara said, as she watched the woman walk away.
    He raised a shoulder and let it drop, looking at the various rides around them as if deciding on a plan of action. “Called ahead and paid for it. I’ve rented the entire park a few times, so I know the right people to call. Do you want to start riding first or get something to eat?”
    She had more questions about his renting the entire park but allowed him to change the subject by answering his question. “Food before roller coasters isn’t a good idea, so we should hold off on eating. Unless you’re hungry, then I can get something to drink while you grab a bite.”
    He pulled her towards one of the biggest rides as he said, “Nope, I’m good, just making sure you weren’t hungry.”
    Still stuck on his earlier comment, Cara remembered he’d been a millionaire many times over as a teenager, so of course he’d used his money to rent an entire amusement park. What teenage boy wouldn’t, if they could? Was that how the prostitutes started, too? It made sense — if you’re too shy to ask a girl out and have unlimited resources, just pay for someone. A sure thing.
    She mused how most boys were forced to learn basic social skills in order to get laid but Travis had conceivably skipped that step, negotiating million dollar business deals while his peers figured out how to treat a girl if they wanted to get lucky. Was it any wonder he did better when he took control but floundered at normal date-night conversation?
    They stepped into the line and she said, “After the parking lot I figured you’d pay someone so you don’t have to wait.”
    His brow furrowed. “I arranged it once but didn’t like the way it made me feel. Even with a park attendant walking you up and putting you in, all the negative energy from people waiting...” He shook his head, his expression solemn. “It’s not worth it. I don’t mind paying for special parking or to get in the side gate like we did, but I can’t be so in-your-face about it to break line all day on every ride. I try to come when they aren’t terribly busy so the wait isn’t long. Like today, Tuesday morning first thing.”
    Damn, back to the whole nice guy thing. He was such a contradiction.
    They rode, and laughed, and cut up for hours before he dragged her off to one of the restaurants. They took in a show after lunch to give their food time to digest and then started with the rides again. He didn’t complain when she stopped to shoot photos, and they had conversations about why she’d taken each picture, looking at the

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