Safeword: Matte - In Training

Read Safeword: Matte - In Training for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Safeword: Matte - In Training for Free Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
Tags: Erótica, Romance, BDSM, Erotic, anal, Training, spanking, martial arts, MMA, fighter
separated it. What she’d thought had been a single band
was actually two straps, and he ran them inside her pussy lips and
then spread them wide apart at her waist until the straps pulled
much tighter and held her pussy open. He flipped a snap at her
waist on both sides, and everything stayed in place when he let
    “Mmmm. Beautiful pussy, with the lips spread
wide open.” He reached behind him and retrieved a butterfly
vibrator. “I retrofitted this a little, so your harness will hold
it over your clit. Don’t come unless you have permission.”
    He situated the butterfly over her clit and
attached it to the harness, and when the vibrations started, Sam
gasped and felt her eyes go wide.
    His hand caressed her inner thigh. “Is that
enough to make you come, or just enough to keep you on edge?”
    Sam moved her hips a few times and gasped as
she felt the dildo deep inside of her rubbing against the wall
again. God, she was so full, and the vibrator on her clit… she
desperately wanted something in her pussy.
    “I don’t think it’s enough to make me come,
Sir, but that may change in a few minutes.”
    “I know you don’t have as
much control over clitoral orgasms as you’ve gained over the
vaginal kind, so tell me you’re close and I’ll turn it down.” His
eyes flashed a warning and his voice dropped an octave as he added,
“But do not orgasm until you’ve been given clearance.
    Sam’s heart sped and her insides fluttered
at his tone. “Yes, Sir.”
    She wanted to call him Master sometimes, and
now was one of those times. She’d tried it a few weeks back and
he’d stopped her, said it wasn’t time yet. Funny, it’d only been a
few minutes since she’d wanted to glare at him, but now she wanted
to bow at his feet to gift him with her submission.
    “Roll to your stomach and pull your legs
together. Careful your hands don’t stray.” His voice was more
caution than warning, as if he truly wanted to help her stay out of
trouble, and it made Sam want to work that much harder to please
    She straightened her arms
and gingerly rolled, moving up the bed a little so she could reach
the headboard. She grasped the bars, felt her body stretch, and
suddenly craved the feel of his belt on her ass.
    Sam humped the bed a few times and realized
she was dangerously close to an orgasm. “Sir, I’m close. The weight
of my body pressing on the vibrator makes it more intense,
    “Thanks for telling me.” He turned it down a
little and she breathed out in relief. “As a reward, I’ll give you
your choice of implement. I plan to go to town on your ass, do you
have a preference?”
    “Can I have a little warm up with the purple
flogger and then have your belt, please Sir?”
    “You may, but I’d like to give you four
strikes of the belt before I warm you up. Not because I’m punishing
you, but because I want to hear you scream. I’ll give you two from
this side, and then two from the other. Keep your hands wrapped
around the headboard and your legs squeezed together. If you move
you’ll get an extra strike from both sides.”
    Ethan pulled his belt through the buckle and
Sam turned her head away.
    “No, Darlin’. I want you to watch me take if
off and wrap it around my hand. I want you to watch me raise my arm
and bring it down, and lay still while it’s coming at you. You
don’t get to look away, Samantha.”
    Shit. It was going to be
nearly impossible to stay still for the third and fourth strike.
Not being allowed to watch, not knowing when the next strike would
hit, could be its own version of hell… but watching it come was
so hard when you
were expected to lay still for it. Luckily, she was horny and
looking forward to the strike. She took a breath and looked at him,
raised her ass a few inches to show him she was ready and intended
to give him what he’d asked.
    He smiled and pulled his belt though the
loops. “Good girl.”
    Sam humped the bed a few times as he

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