Safe and Sound
    “I have to take what I can get, when I can get it. Who knows how much longer you’ll be able to do this,” he said and Lane snorted.
    “I’m not ready to slow down yet, genius,” Lane ground out as he thrust hard and Aiden gasped as pleasure and pressure burst from his prostate and radiated through his legs and up his spine.
    “Don’t slow down,” Aiden commanded as his head fell onto the desk. “Faster,” he breathed and Lane’s fingers dug into his hips.
    “I can still do that,” he said and Aiden had to lock his jaw to keep from calling out as Lane drove into him. Aiden clenched the muscles gripping Lane’s thick length and he heard Lane gasp. “I’ll never get enough of this. Of you,” he whispered and there was warmth and joy in Aiden’s chest.
    “I’m so close,” Aiden said as the pressure squeezed his sack and pushed up his shaft. His body flickered with hot golden glowing pleasure and his vision blurred but the swirling bright glittering ball of bliss and Lane in his chest was getting stronger. “I love you so much,” he gasped and Lane’s hips slammed into his ass.
    “Christ!” Lane yelled as he rose on the balls of his feet and bucked hard before he arched and twisted behind Aiden. “Love you,” he panted before he hauled in a shuddering breath and froze. “I love you, Aiden!” Lane ground out as he thrust deep and molten heat flooded Aiden’s passage.
    Aiden’s eyes rolled as the heat shot through his clenching tightness and rushed up the length of his cock. He screamed and clawed at the desk as his nerves exploded and come burst from the head of his erection. The flaring pleasure was everywhere. It was in his fingertips and lips and for a moment, Aiden could taste something citrusy happy light and he hummed contentedly as Lane rubbed his cheek against his shoulder.
    “I think I’ve forgiven you,” Aiden said as the energy drained from his body. If they were in a bed he could have wrapped himself around Lane and rested his head on his chest. He wanted that now.
    “I assumed. Let’s go upstairs and take a nap,” Lane said and Aiden’s lips tilted into a soft smile. You can’t be mad and fall asleep with your body wrapped around him, Aiden pointed out. Fine. Forgive him but don’t let him forget about the unlimited blow-jobs, he decided.

Chapter 6
    “I think the library and the window will be enough to convince the jury and unbalance Langley in the courtroom,” Aiden said as he leaned against the counter. “They found three strong witnesses that will testify about the library and the window’s significance,” he added and Lane nodded as he flipped grilled cheese sandwiches. Aiden felt a tickle of anticipation as he watched. He was hungry and grilled cheese sandwiches were all that was lacking in an otherwise perfect day. Lane pressed a quick kiss to Aiden’s lips as he stepped past him then opened the fridge and reached for a beer.
    “I knew you’d find something,” he said as he twisted off the cap. “I’m guessing it was romantic in nature,” Lane murmured as his hand slid around Aiden’s jaw and his thumb brushed across Aiden’s lips. Aiden grinned.
    “He was involved with one of his professors and he broke it off with Langley in front of that window. How did you know?” He asked and Lane laughed as his eyes washed over Aiden’s face.
    “Nothing hurts a man’s ego more than getting dumped. And from what I’ve heard, Langley thinks he’s practically God,” Lane explained and Aiden nodded in agreement. Lane reflected on his own ego. He was sure that it would be considered healthy but he would take it very badly if Aiden left him. “I’d burn down a building over you,” he teased and Aiden snorted.
    “No you wouldn’t. Unless you got permission from the county and there were no people in harm’s way and a fire crew was waiting and ready,”Aiden said and Lane shrugged.
    “It might make me feel better,” he offered and Aiden

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