Sacking the Quarterback
own. They slowed together as the sweat on her body cooled
and began to chill across her skin.
    Rhett eased from her pussy, kissing
her throat and shoulder. Once he pulled clear, he lifted them both
to a seated position and slipped from below her. He exited the room
for a moment, pulling the condom from his shaft. Taylor lifted her
panties and shorts back into place, her pussy sweetly sore from the
abuse. Her walls still quaked some, the remnants from the two
orgasms making her limbs rubbery and her lids want to lower. As he
walked back into the sunroom, his pants closed up and his cock
hidden, she was pulling up his running pants to warm her
    She felt a little self-conscious.
Taylor wasn’t in the habit of random sex acts with near strangers.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t exactly a stranger, but he’d been gone so
long, she really didn’t know him anymore. Not that she had been
close to him in the first place.
    Rhett crashed on the other end of the
couch and lounged, lifting his feet to rest on the small coffee
table. Without a word, he drew her into his arms and nestled her in
the crook of his arm. It wasn’t exactly the romance she’d asked
for, but at least he wasn’t kicking her out the front door two
seconds after fucking her.
    But then, how long was long enough?
When should she ask to escape his presence and have him take her
back to her car? She nestled into him, waiting for what felt like
the right moment. Her eyelids drooped, his warmth leeching into

Chapter Four
    Rhett opened his eyes and saw the
first light of daybreak coming up over the woods. He hadn’t even
remembered falling asleep. He started to stretch, but realized he
wasn’t alone. Looking down, there was a woman curled into his side,
almost in his lap.
    They must have fallen asleep after
their fast and furious fucking on the little couch. My God, he
hadn’t meant for it to happen, but he’d been at the ends of his
control when she’d reached up and kissed him. Once she’d lit the
match, the fire ignited and there was no looking back. He’d been a
teenager again, fumbling and bumbling, and rushing to release. At
least he’d had the presence of mind to make sure she’d come a
couple of times before losing it. He had no idea where the
controlled lover he’d become had went last night, but she’d
deserved better.
    He stared down at her sleeping face,
amazed at how beautiful a woman she’d become. It wasn’t a surprise.
He’d known ten years ago she’d be gorgeous, as she was a pretty
girl. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected he’d want her
with a need he couldn’t contain. She was Jennings’ little sister,
and he was just coming off a bad divorce. Taylor couldn’t be his
rebound and he didn’t want to ruin a friendship, but it was too
late to worry about all those things. He’d thought with his dick
instead of his brain, but then that was his usual operating
procedure. It’s what led him to divorce in the first
    Taylor was much too good a
woman to be a quick roll in the hay. She was spunky, sharp-witted,
and strong, all the things he loved in a woman. Being from his
hometown, she shared his values. She still saw the worth in this
old house whereas his ex would’ve wanted to tear it to the ground
and build something new and grand instead of restoring it to its former glory , as
Taylor had put it.
    Taylor was pursuing her degree instead
of pursuing a man. There was something very sexy about that. An
independent, educated, sexy woman—she was completely his type. The
type of woman he should’ve looked for outside of Dixon.
    Right now, he couldn’t have a type at
    Not when he’d just came back here to
get his head on straight. He didn’t want to carry all his baggage
into a new relationship, but the thought of Taylor walking away
from him made his chest ache.
    He wanted to get to know her, all of
    His preoccupation was more than
physical, but the carnal was what was jerking his chain

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