Sabrina (Big Sky Dreams 2)
out here on the porch."
    The large sunporch, technically a small conservatory, was warm and comfortable. Plants sat here and there, but the room was not overrun with them. In the midst of comfortable furniture in various shades of green sat a woman in a chair with high arms. Jeanette immediately began to speak to her.
    "Theta, I want you to meet our houseguest. This is Bri Matthews. I just hired her to help me at the shop. Bri, this is my sister, Theta." Jeanette put a brief hand on her sister's shoulder, and Sabrina quietly greeted the silent, staring woman.
    "It's nice to meet you," Sabrina said, and then glanced around. "This is such a pretty spot to sit and enjoy."
    "Isn't it?" Jeanette agreed, taking a seat and inviting Sabrina to do the same. "I love this room. In mid-July or if we have Indian summer it gets a bit warm, but it still might be my favorite room in the house."
    "Have you lived in Token Creek all your life?" Sabrina asked, feeling a bit more relaxed with Jeanette's easy manner.
    "I came here after I was married. Theta and her family moved to the area a few years later."
    41 "How nice to have your family near."
    "Do you have family?"
    "Just a sister, and we've lost all contact."
    "Well," Jeanette had to say, sensing just a moment of pain in her new employee, "I hope you find family here."
    Sabrina thanked her, her heart hoping for the very same thing.
    "How are you?" Trace asked Cassidy, who, in her second month of pregnancy, did not like the smell of the toast Trace had accidently burned.
    "I think all right," she said, not wanting to lose the breakfast she'd just eaten and having gone to sit on the front porch for some air.
    Trace smiled. "You moved pretty fast there, Cass," he said, sitting down beside her. "I didn't know you could manage that."
    Cassidy chuckled before saying, "I think desperation helps."
    Trace put an arm around her. She was a bit thinner than when they'd married, and he wondered if she would put it all back as his sister-in-law, Meg, had done with her pregnancy. Meg had become delightfully round by the time Savanna had been born, and Trace had to admit that he wouldn't mind that for Cassidy at all.
    "What are you thinking about?" Cassidy asked, and Trace realized she'd been watching him.
    He smiled, knowing he was on thin ice but admitting, "I was wondering how fat you're going to get."
    Cassidy's mouth opened and Trace laughed.
    "I knew the truth would get me in trouble."
    "That's what I get for asking what you're thinking," Cassidy said, turning a cold shoulder to him.
    Trace moved her hair and kissed her neck.
    "Ask me what I'm thinking now," he invited.
    Cassidy turned and looked into his warm, brown eyes and found she didn't have to ask at all.
    42 "Okay, Bri," Jeanette said the moment they were ready to work on Thursday morning, "I want you to finish the pants you started yesterday and then press them."
    "Is it going to trouble you to check the hem before I press it? I want to make sure."
    "That's fine, Bri, but I'm not worried about your work."
    Sabrina nodded and started in. Jeanette watched the look of concentration on her face, her mind on an event that had happened earlier that morning. Theta had experienced a little trouble with the stairs, and Sabrina had stepped in, taking one side with Heather on the other. Jeanette had not been present, but Heather had told her all about it.
    "Do you ever think about the person who owns the legs that might wear these pants?" Sabrina asked.
    "I'm not sure I do," Jeanette admitted.
    "Oh, okay."
    "What were you thinking?" Jeanette was too curious to let that pass.
    "Well, just that they might be the legs of a father or a grandfather, and there might be children who sit on the man's lap. Or they might be a pastor's legs, and he might hold his Bible on his knees. Or I suppose he could be a bank teller with no time to sit down at all."
    Jeanette had to laugh, not bothering to mention that she knew exactly who ordered the pants, and he was none

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