Sabrina (Big Sky Dreams 2)
up and knock on the front door.
    "Did a young woman come-tall, with black hair?" Jeanette asked of Heather the moment she arrived home from the shop.
    Heather, who had worked for Jeanette for many years, smiled before saying, "Bri is in the kitchen helping Becky."
    "Oh," Jeanette said quietly, not having expected this. "How did that come about?"
    "She heard Becky say she was going to make bread pudding and went in to learn how."
    Jeanette had to smile. She had been quite sure she'd done the right thing in hiring Sabrina Matthews, and for some reason this only confirmed that fact. She went to the kitchen herself and found Sabrina rapt.
    "How long does it take to bake?" Sabrina asked.
    "It takes 45 minutes to an hour," Becky told the new houseguest. "On a warm day like this, probably closer to 45."
    Both Becky and Sabrina saw Jeanette just then. Both women smiled at her, but they were different types of smiles. Becky's said she was amused but pleased. Sabrina's was excited and a bit uncertain of being found disturbing Becky.
    "Did you learn how?" Jeanette asked, defusing the situation for Sabrina.
    "Yes. My mother used to make bread pudding, but I didn't remember the recipe."
    "It's one of my favorites," Jeanette said. "Are you ready for supper, Bri?"
    Sabrina nodded. She'd not eaten much that day and was very
    39hungry. It was a relief when Jeanette wasted no time and immediately led the way to the dining room where they were served.
    "After supper," Jeanette began once they had plates full of pork, sweet potatoes, and applesauce, "I'll take you to the porch to meet my sister. She is not capable of taking care of herself. She won't respond to you, but you may speak normally to her."
    "Has she lived with you long?"
    "Ten years," Jeanette said. "Her sons, along with their wives, run Holden Ranch outside of town. You'll probably meet them on Sunday," Jeanette finished, taking for granted that Sabrina would attend the church service with her.
    "Does your sister respond to her sons or to you?"
    Jeanette thought it an astute question but had to shake her head
    "Her injury was quite severe. We didn't think she would live. She's not been herself since."
    "I'm sorry," Sabrina said, thinking that it must be sad. It was like having someone die but still living with you. Sabrina wondered how Jeanette coped with such a situation.
    "Did you get settled in your room?" Jeanette asked next.
    "Yes, thank you. It's very pretty," Sabrina said, thinking of the rust and dark green decor and the light oak furniture.
    "I'm glad you like it, and I meant it when I said to take your time finding a place to live."
    "I asked Jessie at the mercantile if she could use me a few days a week, and she said to check with her on Monday. I may have to wait until Tuesday to look for an apartment."
    "That's fine. Jessie is also a good one to ask. The mercantile is sometimes a hive of information. She might be able to tell you about apartments available in town."
    The women went back to their meals, and Jeanette was given time to think a little more about who this young woman was. She was surprised that she'd looked for work on the days the dress shop was closed but still impressed. That, along with her questions about
    40bread pudding, made Jeanette think she might have a lively one on her hands.
    Sabrina would have laughed if she could have heard Jeanette's thoughts because they were all too true. Her mind was running with a thousand questions, but she didn't want to seem nosy or impertinent. Heather and Becky were easy to talk with, but Jeanette was a bit intimidating. She was obviously a woman of wealth, and Sabrina didn't think for one moment that she acquired this house, with its staff, by making and selling clothing a few days a week.
    "All set?" Jeanette asked.
    "Yes, ma'am," Sabrina answered, unaware her hostess had been studying her.
    "My sister's name is Theta," Jeanette explained as they walked. "Heather sees to her every need. We'll just head right

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