Rykhan (Book 1 of Mate Search Series)
of the quietest men
in the group, used his forefinger and middle digit to define a
region that spanned the middle of the planet to indicate what he
meant. The other men around the table all nodded their agreement,
up to and including Bron.
    “As you can see, there are four choices within
the area you just denoted.” Why did Gwynt sound almost offended by
Laxon’s action? Was it the full agreement of the group in
superseding the recommendations of the decision-makers? “Is there
one choice you prefer over the others?”
    Bronsyn’s at each man in turn. The warriors’
gazes collided with one another before moving on. A chin-lift from
each of the tall, burly men showed agreement for their ultimate
destination without Bron’s help or guidance.
    Nevertheless, it was Gyard, the warrior holding
the most stripes, who finally spoke.
    “33.4500 degrees North, by 112.0667 degrees
West,” the largest and most muscle-bound of the Quest’s enclave
pronounced as he flipped the lower layers of his yellow, long hair
over his shoulder, earning him multiple head nods. The other men
under Bronsyn’s command heaved relieved sighs at the verbalization
of their choice.
    Bron, as the sole minority of one still glued
to the view-screen, sighed. However, it was Gwynt who responded.
“Very well. I will inform the other members of the Quest Committee
of your decision.”
    “Can anyone read English yet?”
Tyshar asked into the silence the room following Gwynt’s sign-off.
When he didn’t receive an answer, Tyshar pulled up the online
dictionary with an audio program so all could hear the name of the
city chosen.
    “ No matter how you pronounce
it,” Rykhan drawled, pushing himself away from the table. “We’ll be
calling it ‘home’ for a half yon .”
    As the other men began to stand, Bron held up
his hand and asked them to wait. “Now that we have the place, it is
important that we begin to study. I want each man to choose one of
the categories I cited earlier and thoroughly study the nuances for
the place we will find ourselves upon landing. There will be a
daily meeting and you are expected to share your knowledge at that
    An electronic voice filled the room.
“Phee-nicks” was all it said.
    Rising to his feet, Rykhan spoke. “I’ll take
culture and mores.”
    “I’ll study diet, health issues, and diseases,”
Laxon offered.
    Gyard shifted in his chair before crossing his
arms on his chest. “I have an interest in their laws.”
    “The monetary system,” Arbrynt said with a
    Wyst sighed and shook his head. “So what does
that leave? Clothing styles and the expectations regarding a male’s
role in their society?”
    “Or their political system,” Tyshar
added while still fiddling with his tresl .
    “No thanks. I will take the clothing and
expectations. Politics are too dry for my taste.” Wyst glanced
around the circle of men with a cheeky half-grin.
    “I find politics invigorating,”
Tyshar explained, finally turning his device off and raising his
    “What about you, Commander? What area will you
be researching?” Arbrynt’s question was not out of line since
Bronsyn was a hands-on commander who did not enjoy sitting on the
sidelines while his men did all the work.
    Taking in a deep breath Bron replied, “I’ll
take the hardest subject.” His eyes roamed over faces now marked
with confusion. “The mating rituals of the Phoenix
    “Frack ! I’d
forgotten about that.” Wyst’s was not the only man who seemed
surprised by Bronsyn’s choice overlooked by the others.
    “What happens when we have completed our
studies, though?” Gyard’s scowl was again firmly in
    Tyshar waited for someone else to answer but
when no one spoke, he jumped in. “Then we need to determine the
best way to contact these females seeking mates and approach
    “Why can’t we just chose our one and be done
with it? All we need is a female for each of us, correct?”

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