Runner Series (Book 1): Runner 3

Read Runner Series (Book 1): Runner 3 for Free Online

Book: Read Runner Series (Book 1): Runner 3 for Free Online
Authors: Nikita Eden
Tags: Zombies
imminent danger of running out of supplies and collapsing?” Dean asked the now silent group of people. “Their resources are dangerously low and because of their small size they have no one to relay that message. They only have just enough fuel to keep generators running at night to deter Howlers.”
    The new information piqued Audrey’s interest and she sat up straighter in her chair. Artesia was in danger? They seemed to be okay. I wonder why Lincoln didn’t tell me there was trouble so I could tell the Council . He knew I’m a Runner.
    “That’s another good reason the Runners are important,” Mr. Davies cut Dean’s speech off. “Fuel is a resource that is in short supply these days. Do you know how long it takes to run from Roswell to Artesia?”
    Many people shifted uncomfortably and whispered guesses were thrown out.
    “If you think you could run from here to there during daylight hours and be back by the time the dregs normally start coming out, then by all means, do it,” Mr. Davies challenged the multitude. He held up a packet of papers, “Artesia has people who have been using supplies far too frivolously. They have been more liberal when it comes to their wants and don’t have a council to provide guidance.”
    “The Head Councilman is right,” Dean took over again. “Dr. Searle, who is their unofficial head, was too lenient with supplies. They have just sent out pleas to other towns in New Mexico and just over the border to Texas for aid via our Runners and our radios because the town cannot be sustained.”
    “Thank you for that information, Dean,” Mr. Davies said with a stern look which effectively cutting his son off.
    Dean nodded and took his seat between Peter and Audrey.
    He looked at her questioningly with his thumbs up, “So what do you think? Good argument?”
    She nodded and gave him a thumbs up before turning her attention back to Mr. Davies.
    “If it weren’t for Audrey’s last run we wouldn’t have known how bad it truly is there,” Mr. Davies leaned forward and flipped through a pile of papers on the table in front of him. “This also brings us to another decision the Council has made that needs to be announced to everyone—and make sure you pass it on because it’s been decided and there will not be a vote. Artesia will soon be disbanded and we will be accepting fifty of their citizens.”
    Immediately shouts of unfairness and off the cuff accusations of communism were heard. A handful of people left the conference room angrily and others patiently waited to hear more information.
    Audrey was one of the few in the room that seemed to be excited about the news.
    She smiled to herself, New people would be a nice change .
    Mr. Davies pounded his fist on the desk a couple times to regain order, “I know this seems overwhelming, but we have been fortunate. We have an excess of resources and it will not hurt us to accept these new people.”
    Audrey watched the continually flip-flopping crowd quiet down again. She was glad the conversation had drifted away from trying to restrict the Runners and shutting the gates. She was sure the less the people thought about it, the more likely they wouldn’t vote to end the program. She looked at the Council and knew that Mr. Ruthers was aware of what Mr. Davies was doing too.
    “We have been blessed to have many of our day to day activities remain the same during this trial and many of us have not suffered through the loss of family like most people in other communities,” Mr. Davies spoke slowly and calmly. “I hope that with time everyone will come to see the benefit of having more people among us. One benefit that will be instantaneous. We will be gaining a trained doctor! Which is something we haven’t had for a while.”
    More people settled into a considerate silence as Mr. Davies spoke to them about what would be changing in their near future.
    Audrey was happy to find out there would be someone new in Roswell who would be

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