then, we shall see."
That night Justin came to the girls' room and found them both shivering, even though it was quite warm.
"Why has he come?" asked Janie. "Why? Maybe he's come to take us back to Sheba. If he does, we'll never get away."
As was his custom, Justin flopped face down on the end of the bed. "He's brought some new Sheba rebels with him. Maybe his being here has nothing to do with you two."
Rachel shook her head. "He didn't need to come along just to escort them. The security guards could have done that. He came here to check up on Janie and me. He wants us, and he wants to make sure he stays in control. Janie might be right. Maybe he's come to take us back with him."
"We'll be thirteen soon," said Janie.
Justin sat up. "Then we need to get away from here sooner rather than later. We can't just talk about escaping. We need to take action."
With her arms wrapped around herself, Rachel said, "He might let his plans slip in class. We'll have to listen carefully, see if we can figure out what's in his mind."
"I already know what's in there," said Justin. He blew his breath upward, causing his dark bangs to flutter.
"Evil," said Janie.
"Of course," Rachel said, "but we need to know his plans."
Justin nodded. "And we need to get ready to head up into the mountains. I'm already squirreling things away under the slats of my bed, but there's not a whole lot of room there. Let's go over the list I gave you so you can add to our stash. Put the stuff somewhere you can get at quickly. We might need to run on a moment's notice."
Elder Mobly introduced the sullen new recalcitrants from the Sheba Temple and then gushed over the presence of the great man himself in the training room. Mobly spent forty-five minutes reminding those present how fortunate they were to have a man of J.J. Flack's stature in such close proximity. Mobly then spent an additional hour reviewing the history of the Flack family and the history of the Sheba Hill Assembly. He began with the split from the sadly misinformed Latter-Day-Saint brothers and sisters, progressed to the Dakota interval, and then pulled his talk together with a thorough review of the present Montana adventure on Sheba Hill.
When the elder had finished his recitation, one of the rebellious wives snorted and expressed her antagonism toward the whole Sheba Hill experience. She concluded her diatribe with another snort and then fixed her eyes on the wall beside her much as Mrs. Riggs had done before her tragic departure.
Justin and the twins reacted with alarm. They exchanged hurried, knowing glances, as if to say that if the newcomer continued to behave in such a manner in front of these dark murderous men, she might very well follow in Mrs. Riggs' footsteps. Rachel intervened. She scooted her chair closer to the wife and said, "Sometimes we need to concentrate on listening. We think we know the answers, but sometimes we don't. We listen, we learn." She punctuated her advice by reaching for the older woman's hand.
The woman snorted again and Janie and Justin chimed in with additional input, echoing Rachel's comments and adding counsel of their own. All three young people then got to their feet and gathered around the woman's desk to let her know she was not alone, that they would be her friends.
She seemed to respond faintly, and even managed a weak nod. Rachel stroked her hair and Janie held her hand. Justin said, "We're here for you."
The Prophet watched from his chair in the corner near the door, a pleased smile on his face, a light in his black eyes. "I'm impressed, Elder Mobly. You are making progress. Things may very well move along faster than we planned. He rose to his feet and moved to the front of the classroom. "Now, with your permission, I'd like to conduct the next session. Will everyone please return to their seats?"
His lesson consisted almost entirely of tributes to his father and grandfather and other assorted Flacks. He reminded his captive
The Gathering: The Justice Cycle (Book Three)