Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2

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Book: Read Run Johnboy Run: The Glasgow Chronicles 2 for Free Online
Authors: Ian Todd
Tags: NEU
      “Because it wis torched.”
      “Bit, Ah thought ye jist said that The Murphys hid haunded it o’er tae some wee scallywags?”
      “They did.”
      “Wan ae the wee stupid basturts wis in it when it went up.  Yer boys hiv been up there since last night.  Did ye no know?”
      “Er…aye, of course Ah knew,” The Inspector lied.  “Ah still don’t see the connection wae this meeting though.”
      “There’s rumours.”
      “Aye. There’s a whisper that The Big Man might be getting oot ae the doo business.”
      “As Ah said, it’s only a whisper.”
      “Look, Bingo.  Ah need tae find oot whit this meeting wis aboot.  Kin ye dae that fur me?”
      “Hmm, Ah’m no sure, Ralph.  Ah’d need tae be really careful.  The Big Man hid a face like thunder when Ah caught sight ae him.  Ah don’t think he clocked that Ah wis in the place though, as he jist swept past aw the punters queuing up tae put their lines oan.”
      “Bingo, there’s a fiver in this…maybe mair…if ye kin find oot.”
      “Ah’ll try, bit Ah cannae promise ye.  It’s getting worse up here.  They Murphys ur oan the warpath jist noo.  Everywan’s keeping their heids doon.”
      “Ah’m no sure.”
      “Is it connected wae this fire?”
      “Maybe, bit aw The Big Man’s bears hiv been whizzing up and doon Parly Road and McAslin Street in their big flashy cars, like men possessed, since yesterday morning, so they hiv.  Something’s happened.”
    “Well, jist see whit ye kin dae. Okay?”
      “Look, Ralph.  Ah’ll need tae go.  The pips hiv started tae kick in.  Ah’ll try and phone ye back in an hour or so if Ah get anything,” Bingo managed, before the line went deid.

    Chapter Five
      The bell hid jist gone aff fur the efternoon break.  It hid been the worst day Johnboy hid ever spent in a classroom in his life.  Insteid ae everywan fleeing fur the door and the usual wans getting killed in the rush when they aw goat stuck trying tae get through intae the corridor, everywan jist stood up and slowly wandered, confused, heids nipping and angry, looking and feeling like Kharis fae ‘The Mummy’s Tomb’.  It felt like everywan’s world hid come crashing doon aboot their ears. Johnboy hid noticed mair than a few tears coming fae the lassies in the class as well. When Dave Stem hid stood up in front ae the class and telt them the news, ye could’ve heard a pin drap.  Even the goody-goody wans hid looked stunned.  His name wis actually Mr Poke bit everywan jist called him Dave Stem because he wis well-known fur walking aboot wae a hard-on maist ae the time, especially if he’d jist been fur a wee sleekit visit tae the staff cludgie.  Johnboy hid never seen it himsel bit, apparently, there wur plenty who hid.  Anyway, Johnboy’s class hid aw been enjoying themsels, farting aboot, as usual, before their morning kip started, when Stiff Dick hid strode intae the classroom and stood wae his hauns oan his hips, feet wide apart, no saying a word fur aboot twenty seconds.
      “Right, ya bunch ae wee toe-tags, Ah’m in charge noo.”
      Hauf the lassies in the class hid jist aboot fainted wae fright, including Senga Jackson, Johnboy’s desk partner and the love ae his life, while the other hauf hid jist stared goggle-eyed at that crotch ae his in horror.
      “Here’s how it’s gonnae work,” Stiff Dick hid snarled, haudin up a finger oan his left haun, wae his right wan ready tae swoop doon tae help him wae his coonting.   “Wan…there will be nae chatting when Ah’m talking…nae chitchat, backchat, sly chat, whispered chat, blind chat, or any other kind ae chat.  Two…youse will aw read, write, coont, divide, sub-divide, multiply, add and subtract when the man in charge…that’s me by the way…gies the command.  Three…when Ah tell ye tae open yer jotters, Ah don’t mean The

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