Run: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller

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Book: Read Run: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller for Free Online
Authors: Rich Restucci
Tags: Zombies
bag in, then grabbed Sam and helped her up. Dallas got in the driver’s side. “You next, kid,” Rick said to Chris, “I’ll take the outside.” Dallas put the truck in gear and started forward. Chris had Sam on his lap, and Rick had the AR-15 across his lap.
    It was cramped but functional. 
    “Didja hit an armory or somethin’?” Dallas asked no one in particular. 
    “No, I’m a cop.”
    “Mmm,” murmured Dallas. “Can’t say as I like cops much.” 
    “No?” asked Rick while reloading a magazine.
    “Nope, my daddy was a Texas Ranger. Meanest SOB I ever did come across, and I’ve been aroun’.” 
    Sam put her hand on Dallas’ arm, “My daddy is nice sir, I promise.”
    Dallas looked at her thoughtfully, “Well then we’ll get along fine, me an’ him.” 
    He put the truck in gear and started forward.  
    “There’s a power line down in some water ahead, you might want to avoid it.” Chris told him. 
    “I might just,” Dallas returned. “You know, it’s customary where I’m from to introduce yourself to a man who just pulled your fish out of the fire.” 
    “I’m Chris, and this is Rick and Sam.” 
    “Pleasure,” Dallas said as he backed the truck up. He got the truck turned around and started back the way he came.  
    “I need to get my father,” Rick said. 
    “Don’t see him fittin’ in here,” said Dallas matter-of-factly. “We’re all full up.” 
    “Doesn’t matter, I’ve got to go get him,” Rick said in an angry tone. 
    “Keep your hair on officer ,” returned Dallas with a sneer. “We’ll find a way. Where is he? 
    “He lives on 3 rd Street , near UCSF.”
    Dallas applied the brakes and looked Rick in the eyes. “Near the college?” 
    “Yeah.” Rick’s brow creased. “Why?” 
    Dallas raised his eyebrows and let out a big sigh. “Because that’s where I came from. It’s absolute Hell. There’s thousands of these violent folks down there, and the roads are pretty much impassable because o’ wrecks an’ abandoned vehicles. That’s where all the damn hospitals are, and where do folks go when they’re sick, or hurt, or… bit?”
    “Don’t care,” Rick said, “I’m getting him.” 
    Dallas shook his head, “You gonna bring your little girl down there? Is that the plan? I’m tellin’ you, we need somethin’ more concrete than “ I’m gettin’ him ”, or we’re all dead. Her too,” Dallas said, jerking his thumb at Sam. “You might wanna save your pops, but are you willin’ to kill your daughter t’ do it?” 
    “No,” said Rick looking distant, “I’m not. Plus my dad would get pissed if I put Sam’s life in danger to save his wrinkly ass.” 
    “Good, then we’re on the same page.” There was a thump on the side of the truck, and Dallas looked out the window. “One sec.” He pushed the door open hard and knocked over a lone zombie. Ironically, the zombie wore a trash collector’s uniform. Dallas grabbed his rebar and jumped out of the truck. As the creature was getting to its feet, Dallas swung the rebar and connected with its head. It fell, and lay there unmoving. Dallas spat on it and said: “Twice killed asshole.” He looked behind the truck and could see a small crowd of dead lumbering toward him about 50 feet away. Climbing back in the truck, he took one more backward glance at the oncoming mob. “Damn, they’re like cockroaches.”
    Dallas put the truck in gear and drove forward. “We’ll need to get us another vehicle,” he said, “This is too cramped as it is, and we can’t fit your pa in here with us too.”  
    “That’s true,” Rick agreed, “There’s a dealership a quarter mile up that way.”  
    “Officer, you don’t mean to say you’re gonna steal a car do you?” Dallas asked pointedly. 
    Sam looked wide-eyed at her father. 
    “ Appropriate , sir,” Rick shot back with a wide grin. 

    Hapscomb’s used car lot was surrounded by a six-foot chain link

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