Round and Round

Read Round and Round for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Round and Round for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Grey
Tags: gay romance
Vertebedian, sent these over as a thank-you. She’s getting older and forgets things sometimes, but she loves to cook and doesn’t have anyone left to cook for.” Kevin set the box on the table, and Angus put the one he was carrying next to it. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”
    “Bringing food to this crew is never an interruption.” Just as the captain finished, the guys began making their way in. “See? Food will call them every time.” The captain smiled. “We’ll run the security video, then you can get something to eat. This is going to be pretty dull, especially since we’re looking for someone we’ve seen hanging out at fires. You all know the drill and how some arsonists behave. Let’s hope this one follows the pattern.”
    “I should go,” Kevin said. “You all have work to do.”
    “You could stay if you want. You were there and might see something. Do you have to go back to work?” Angus asked.
    “I work early at the call center, so I’m done for the day,” Kevin answered, and Angus shooed one of the guys off the sofa so they could sit together.
    “No hand-holding,” Roy grumbled.
    Angus made a face. “Don’t want to hold your moldy hand anyway.” The guys chuckled, and Roy crossed his arms over his chest. Angus made sure to sit between Roy and Kevin as the captain started the video.
    “That’s way before the fire started,” Kevin said as an image of part of the dance floor and tables played on the screen. “Maybe an hour or so.”
    “How do you know, other than the time signature?” the captain asked.
    “Because Zach isn’t dancing, and the strippers just ended. Zach loves to dance, and most of the time he dances with one of us because Bull doesn’t dance much. He does his security thing.” The captain fast-forwarded the video until Kevin said to stop. “Okay, see, that’s Bull and Zach. I think they only danced for maybe two songs. It was during the second one that the fire started.” Kevin got up off the sofa. “Watch right there.” He pointed at the screen, and a flash appeared in the corner. “I was over here, but I saw that.”
    The captain slowed the playback as the light returned and got brighter. Flames showed on the screen, and then Kevin rushed into the frame, spraying water as people hurried around him, the floor emptying in the rush to get out.
    “Stop,” Kevin said. “Can you go back?”
    “What do you see?” the captain asked as everyone in the room leaned forward.
    “Those shoes. They’re Nike Air Max in fluorescent yellow. See? Watch as you move forward.”
    The captain started the video, and Kevin pointed out the shoes. “I’ll be damned.”
    “Yeah, even in the rush to get out, he takes the long way around to avoid the camera. Now maybe he doesn’t want to get his expensive shoes wet, or he simply wants to stay off camera.”
    “Good eyes,” the captain said with a smile. “But it doesn’t get us further in getting a look at the guy.”
    “Maybe not, but the club is near the capital complex, and there are cameras there. Maybe one of them caught the scene outside. We know what shoes he was wearing, and they aren’t exactly dark. They would show up if he was standing alone or something. I can ask if Bull has video set up outside, but I don’t think he’s allowed.”
    “I wouldn’t think so.”
    “It gives us a place to start, and that helps a lot.” The captain was smiling, and Angus grinned at Kevin. “You just keep coming to the rescue.”
    “Nah, you would have figured it out.” Kevin was too modest, in Angus’s opinion. “I was there so I knew what not to look at.”
    “That doesn’t make sense,” Roy said.
    “Sure it does,” Kevin countered. “I work in computers, and sometimes in order to make a program work, you have to devise the logic so you get what’s left. You have a list of things you know your answer isn’t, so you reverse the logic. That’s what I did here. I knew it wasn’t me or the guys running toward

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