Rough Rider: A Biker Erotic Romance

Read Rough Rider: A Biker Erotic Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Rough Rider: A Biker Erotic Romance for Free Online
Authors: Tamara Knowles
got caught screwing an Angel Momma in that little city park over on Fourth Street.
    “She belonged to the Head Demon– that’s what they call their president. She started screaming rape as soon as she realized that they were being watched, but the Angels didn’t believe her. They beat the hell out of her and left her tied naked to a lamp pole with a sign that read, Betraying Whore . Mickey got away, but the truce is over and we’re outnumbered about twenty or thirty to one– especially after the new defections.”
    He looked up at her. Suddenly, he looked like an embarrassed little boy and said, “Sorry about looking up your skirt. I’m truly trying to keep my eyes on your face, but you have a very nice body.”
    There was something about his honesty that caused Hannah to smile back at him. She also took a step or two back and said, “This will make it easier for you. Lie there while I finish cleaning up. Then, if the coast is clear you can leave before I lock up for the night.”
    “I need you to take me to a doctor,” he replied. His face still showed pain and he winced as he moved only slightly.
    “I thought you said no doctors?” she asked.
    “I said no EMTs. They’d have to report it. But I know a doctor who’ll treat me without reporting it. Do you have a car?”
    Hannah silently thought out her answer before replying. This was a dangerous man who was running and hiding from even more dangerous men who were trying to kill him. He didn’t want any police involvement even though he was obviously stabbed and beaten up without reason. The voice in the back of her head was shouting, Say NO! Say NO! But the words that came out of her mouth were, “Yes, it’s parked in the lot around the corner.”
    Why did I say that? He’s a biker! There’s no reason to become involved , she thought.
    She couldn’t help but think that he was a very handsome biker and his face looked so innocent and boyish when he apologized for looking up her skirt. Hannah suddenly realized that she had unconsciously stepped even closer to him. His eyes were mostly meeting hers, but she could see the quiver which meant that he was also glancing up her legs and, from his angle, he could see all the way up. At least I have on a pair of new panties, she found herself thinking. Then, she blushed and moved quickly to the other end of the counter to run the final machine through its cleaning cycle.
    At five after nine, everything was clean and the cash register was balanced for the night. She put the money in the holding bag and dropped it into the floor safe beneath the counter. The owner would retrieve it in the morning and deposit it in the bank. Then, she told the wounded biker, “Stay there on the floor until I bring the car around. I’ll honk my horn twice rapidly. Can you get up and walk to the car by yourself?”
    “Yes,” he replied, “but you’ll have to clean up the blood.”
    For the first time she noticed a small pool of blood on the floor alongside him. She quickly wiped it up with a clean towel, and then handed it to him to hold over his wound. She hoped the towel would keep it from getting on her car seats, too.
    “What’s your name?” she suddenly asked him.
    “William,” he replied. “William Grims. Just like the reaper, only two of them.” He tried to laugh, but winced and coughed almost immediately. “What’s your last name, Hannah?”
    “Kent,” she replied, “just like Superman’s sister.”
    This time his laugh continued past the wince and cough.
    All the way to her car, Hannah was telling herself that she shouldn’t be doing this. As she pulled up in front of the shop the voice in the back of her head asked her, Are you crazy? But her hands still bounced on the horn button twice and her feet scrambled to the door as soon as the beep, beep sounded.
    William was even paler than before. He swayed slightly as he walked and

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