
Read Roped for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Roped for Free Online
Authors: SJD Peterson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Gay, Contemporary
to die had the barrel of a gun pressed to Jamie’s temple. Tek saw red.
    Just as he started to rush to Jamie’s side, his shirt was yanked back and a hand clamped over his mouth. He was going to rip Rocco to shreds.
    “Stop! You’ll get yourself killed,” Rocco hissed against Tek’s ear.
    “I don’t care. Let me go. I have to get to him,” Tek snarled, the words muffled by Rocco’s palm.
    “A bullet will pass through his head and his brains will be splattered on the wall before you can make it halfway there,” Rocco said dangerously low against Tek’s ear, and he released Tek and shoved him. “So go on, get your stupid ass killed right along with your boy.”
    Pain ripped through Tek’s chest, the agony driving him to his knees. The sobering reality of Rocco’s words enough to cut through the fog of rage, and Tek stopped struggling. The image of Jamie with a gun to his head, what that bullet could do was forever seared into Tek’s mind. He was trembling, breathless, and so goddamn scared. But he couldn’t give in to it. He had to shut down his emotions. There was no place for fear, anger, dread, or love. His heart rate returned to normal, his breath slowed, even the trembling in his limbs ceased as he pushed away all emotion. Locked it down in his gut behind his ironclad determination to save Jamie. He needed to concentrate, form a plan. Tek went cold.
    “I know you’re in here, mother fuckers,” one of Jamie’s captors called out. “Show yourselves or your club is going to be less two members.”
    Tek peeked around the corner. He’d been so focused on Jamie he’d forgotten Sully was with him. He spotted the other brother, also on his knees with a gun to his head. Tek couldn’t see Jamie’s face, but he could tell by the way Jamie was holding himself he was scared, his muscles tense and bulging. The picture was completely unlike Sully, whose face Tek could see. Sully was downright pissed.
    Sully was a loose wire; perhaps insane was a better term. Tek had never seen fear on Sully’s face, doubted the stupid fucker had enough sense to be scared. It was only a matter of time before the crazy bastard got tired of being on his knees; his boredom would get someone killed. More than likely Jamie, since no matter the shit that went down, Sully always came out smelling like a rose. Well, Tek didn’t care if Sully came out smelling like a fucking rose garden. Tek would be damned if he’d let Jamie fertilize it. But he couldn’t see a way to get them out of there without surrendering, which would be suicide. Tek wasn’t stupid. He knew if they showed themselves and gave up their weapons, all four of them would be dead. It’s what would happen to anyone who stepped on their turf and tried to take over something that belonged to the Crimson VIII.
    Tek turned and glared at Rocco. “This was your fucking idea, now how the hell are we going to get them out of this mess?”
    “We go back the way we came and get the fuck out of here is what we do,” Rocco growled. “Dumbasses got themselves captured by dopers. They’re on their own.”
    Before Tek could even think about the consequences, his hand shot out and he tightened it around Rocco’s throat. “You run and I will kill you myself.”
    Rocco’s brows shot up, his eyes going wide, but the shock only lasted a second before he smirked. “I knew you had big balls. Guess we’re going with plan B.”
    “Damn right we are,” Tek snarled. He wasn’t impressed with the tease or the test or whatever Rocco thought he was doing. He didn’t have time for bullshit. Every second that barrel was at Jamie’s head was a second something could go wrong. Unacceptable.
    Tek didn’t wait for Rocco to come up with a plan. Tek had one of his own.
    “You’re going to go that way,” Tek informed Rocco. “You’re going to make your way around to the other side of them and scream, jump up and down, do a fucking hula, I don’t care. Just cause a distraction. Make

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